[quote=@Lmpkio] [@Thecrash20] Looks good, but the Bio-Blaster (while a very good concept of a weapon in general), may be a bit OP. It's like one-shot is all it needs and the parasites can basically take it over and sedate a creature. However, I'd like a second opinion on this first before I can say the final verdict. [@t2wave] what are your thoughts? [/quote] I wasn't asked, but anything that has the name "bio" in it, in this case 2 weapons, will most likely be OP due to the theme of the whole "make anything, cuz evolution or bio sciences". I have a bias against them to be honest, but a gun that is guaranteed to pierce AND sedate at the same tume seems like a bit too much in my opinion even if it was a technological apparatus. Not to mention it being a primary and not a support. And perhaps a blade that "Distrupts solid matter", whatever that actually means. Or kevlar thoughness armor that regrows and gives the user full sensory details. Just saying. No offense to anyone or anything.