[quote=@6slyboy6] I wasn't asked, but anything that has the name "bio" in it, in this case 2 weapons, will most likely be OP due to the theme of the whole "make anything, cuz evolution or bio sciences". I have a bias against them to be honest, but a gun that is guaranteed to pierce AND sedate at the same tume seems like a bit too much in my opinion even if it was a technological apparatus. Not to mention it being a primary and not a support. And perhaps a blade that "Distrupts solid matter", whatever that actually means. Or kevlar thoughness armor that regrows and gives the user full sensory details. Just saying. No offense to anyone or anything. [/quote] I do understand why you feel that way, but I thinks its more like you can see it easier for me to abuse it in general. Cause I mean think of it this way. Power armor, exo-suits, Nano suits, and what have you are not real. What do you do to repair it? What is the amount of damage it could actually take number and pound wise? Power supply, when do you need to charge it? Their isn't anything like that cause we can all assume it just makes you stronger than a normal human. Same with mine since its fictional Bio mechanical mumbo jumbo. Well one thing we can all assume, it will die with fire... Also I only have two weapons. My guy isn't really gunna be the whole fighty kind anyhow. He has no intrest in hunting down these creatures, yet... More like Is going to be the Bigfoot everyone has heard about and may appear from time to time for interaction and I see where it take me from there. Also, Plasma swords, Power Swords,and High frequency blade all have a means of 'Disrupting Matter' by giving the blade some type of property that helps cut through armor better. The text I used I pulled straight from here http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Powered_weapon