[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/2LCo2QI.png[/img][/center] Glancing to Sonya, she went ahead and signed the contract, which didn't seem all that involved outside of splitting up rewards for the most people - and of course to follow Silas' command or else risk being expelled, which seemed normal. Before she knew it though, they were packing up and heading out - it felt like a flash and the day went by quickly. About midday, she was quickly told to follow Silas, quickly telling her that she was going to be the lieutenant - to which she had little time to truly absorbed. Still, she listened to Commander Rexar and Silas converse and everything went smoothly before the commander right out hired the group. Though Odessa cared very little that Silas was once a slave, she was glad the commander would keep it a secret, if anything for the man's sake. As the days went by, she got more used to being a lieutenant, though the days were filled with study, learning, and practice scenarios with Silas. He was fairly serious about teaching her and she picked up the basics decently, though didn't have the chance to really catch Sonya sadly. In fact, she was a bit surprised that the mage hadn't been promoted, but Odessa could only guess Silas and Dixon saw something in her - something Ashley saw in her before. The day finally came though and the company was told of the plan and given time to prepare. Odessa spent most of it next to Silas as he gave a few more, basic, tips and let her get ready. Though she didn't have much to do, which was the advantage of her fighting style - no need for armor or weapons, making her an ideal warrior for stealth, which she spent the last hour practicing. Before she knew it, they were at the cave's mouth. Silas explained for the last time what they were focusing on, sneak in unnoticed and raise the gate, then probably defend the lever or wheel that controlled the gate so the main army could charge in. She glanced to Sonya with a soft smile, hoping their time apart didn't put strain on anything, but quickly followed after the man. Quickly behind was the dancer and then the knight. She paused as the Dancer started exclaiming her lack of stealth, to which the knight tried to hush her. She pulled back a little and tapped the dancer's shoulder and put a finger to her lips. [color=fe7e53][b]"Quiet.. limit your movements.. stay to the shadows - time for dances will come later. They'll never know we're here."[/b][/color] She tried to be as forward and serious while still accounting for the woman's emotions, since she was likely nervous. Taking a quick moment to make sure Aimée understood, she nodded encouragingly and quickly caught up with Silas, following his lead into the depths of the keep.