Ghent noticed how overly alert Elayra was. Not a sound or person went by without her being aware of them, and more than once she'd spun around to face a nonexistent threat. While Ghent would have found this funny a day ago, he didn't poke fun at her. He couldn't fault Elayra after hearing about the conditions she was brought up in. Being alert was key to survival. As they made their way down the sidewalk, Ghent walked alongside of the blonde, listening intently as she responded to his question. He felt successful to have avoided her wrath, plus he struck up a conversation without being sarcastic. This was a progress for an otherwise terrible morning. The mention of the Forsaken succeeded in piquing Ghent's curiosity. It also put him on edge. Before Elayra could continue, there was a noise from the alleyway, one that sent [i]him[/i] into a panic. "What was that?!" Ghent looked around wildly for the culprit, only to find that a stray mutt was the source of the clatter. Keeping calm was impossible with Wonderland's inhabitants on the mind. Embarrassed, Ghent mustered a weak laugh, wishing his heart would get a chance at returning to a normal pace. "Ah, dogs are always hanging around here," he nodded towards the alleyway, remembering Elayra's questions about William. "But don't worry. They aren't spies or anything." Doing his best not to allow his nerves to get the better of him, Ghent listened as Elayra explained about the mysterious beings she'd mentioned earlier. When the Forsaken were likened to zombies, he slowed, taking on a look of disbelief. "Wow ... " Rain dripping down his face, Ghent stopped underneath the last awning in their path, gaze downward. "That sounds awful." The words were quiet, almost inaudible underneath the rain hitting the pavement around them. The more he learned about Wonderland, the more he pitied Elayra and the people affected by the Curse. At the same time, he regretted his compliance in accompanying the two from his past. "Is that what'll happen to Drust?" At the memory of the White Knight, Ghent began to walk again, keeping an eye out for an object heavy enough to break the window with. "I know you'd mentioned him being affected by the Curse...or, at least partially," he added, as he hadn't a solid idea of how much hold the Curse had over the man. "Will he get worse?" Up ahead, the currently-closed boutique was impossible to miss. The shop appeared misplaced among the others; it was lavishly decorated with plenty of expensive, modern looking clothing modeled by faceless mannequins behind the large window. The surrounding stores looked pitiful in comparison, and Ghent found himself wondering why Miles chose this shop in particular. "You got a spell that'll break glass?"