*Mergoux snarls* Mergoux: Do as you want, I'll deal with them as needed. Just know that I'm not going to be the one throwing the first punch. *Continues gearing up for battle, just in case* *Silvan nods to Jillian politely then sees Lecter* Silvan: Oh dear! Are you all right? *He walks over towards him, then does his best to help Jillian* Silven: What's a Mephisto? *The Library knight promptly ignores Hanna once he's gotten the info he needs, and walks to Elmyra* Knight: Excuse me mi-... Hm... Elf! Have you seen this woman? *His tone goes from polite, to hostile as he notices Elmyra's ears and facial features* *Captain Anderson and his fellow knight come out of the gym, having found no trace of Mergoux* *Iris comes out of her room and stretches luxuriously, hair still wet from a shower. She walks towards the kitchen, not immediately seeing Lector*