[quote=@DracoLunaris] [@Crosswire] note that most apart from the wee voidlings and voidspawn, all void champions are named individuals rather than species, so are more boss monster than random encounter fodder. The lore has swarms of the things, the game, less so. unless everyone plays Malzahar and buys Zz'Rot portals. also there's Xer'Sai, which are smaller versions of Rek'Sai, who is a cool land shark. If you where going to add anything from the game it might be the shop item pool and maybe some of the champion's equipment, depending on whether you have unique items in the pool [/quote] Rek and her babies were the second one I thought would be a decent encounter. See I thought that some encounters would be "defeat said boss monster." Rek'Sai and Cho'Gath would be the most dynamic, while Kha'Zix and Vel'Koz would seem different. Id kinda like to see Kha'Zix go all Alien on 2Fort with his stealth and make the RP briefly horror based lol.