[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmM3MmQwMC5VM1Z3WlhKd2IzZGxjbk1nWVc1a0lFeHZjbVUsLjAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/game-continue-03.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [hider=Genetics and Superpowers]Congrats, you are one of the lucky few who have been born with superpowers! Too bad there are people who would prefer to either see you dead or constantly drown you in their affections. As you know, in this world, every single human being has the chance to be born with superpowers due to genetics. In simple terms, a certain gene has to be on or off for you to utilize your powers. If it's off, well darn, maybe your child might be born with powers! If it's on, congrats, not only do you have powers, but your child will have powers too... most likely. Depending on the mother and father, a child can inherit certain genetics that allow them to utilize a certain power. For example, if two telekinetic users have a child, their child will have telekinesis too! However, if a telekinetic user and a shapeshifter have a child, the child will inherit both their parents powers. However, the child will only be able to use one of their parents powers and cannot switch between them at all. This, again, falls to genetics. Expanding on this example, lets say the father had the genetics for telekinesis and shapeshifting, whilst the mother had genetics for breathing fire and morphing their bones. The child would inherit all four of these powers, however would only have access to one of them. Depending on the parents, the child can either be born with the ability to use superpowers, or the ability not to. The chance of two superpowered parents having a superpowered child is 99.9%, while the chance of them having a non-powered child is 0.1%. The chance of one superpowered parent and one non-powered parent having a superpowered child is 60%, while the chance of them having a non-powered child is 40%. The chance of two non-powered parents having a superpowered child is 5%, while the chance of them having a non-powered child is 95%. If a non-powered child that is born from one or two parent's with superpowers, then their chance of their child having superpowers increases exponentially. If a non-powered child that was born from supers has a child with another non-powered human, then their chances of having a superpowered child is 60% and the chance of them having a non-powered child is 40%. If two non-powered humans born from superpowered parents comes together, however, their chance of having a superpowered child is 97%, while the chance of them having a non-powered child is 3%. If the non-powered child that was born from a super has a child with a superpowered human, then their chances of having a child with superpowers is 99.9%, while the chance of them having a non-powered child is 0.1%. ((As an OOC note biological powers cannot alter certain genetics, such as the power a person was born with, altering the "on" or "off" function of the superpower genome, allow a person to have another superpower, etc. And as another note, the fact that genetics are related to people having superpowers is [i]not[/i] public knowledge as of right now. Only people working at ATLAS and the government have access to this information.))[/hider] [hider=Conduits]Well, you might not have superpowers, but you could be considered lucky as well!... or unlucky depending on your viewpoint. However, what if I told you there is a way to get superpowers without having to alter your genetics!... not like the technology is available to do so... Regardless, the way a regular human-being can get powers are through Conduits! Conduits are powerful items that give a person the powers of a superpowered human without the need to be born as one! These items, however, do not change the persons genetics, so it's not like you can toss it away after grabbing it and utilizing your new power, oh no. In fact, you have to keep your Conduit on you to even use your powers! If damaged or lost, you will be unable to use your newfound powers, so keep it close and unharmed. Conduits do have a price to pay like superpowers... but unlike superpowers, it is nearly impossible to lessen the downfalls that come with using a Conduit. If you have a Conduit that gives you nightmares every night, enjoy having that for the rest of your life!... unless you lose the item itself. Like the powers that can be rendered unusable if you lose the Conduit, so too will the weaknesses go.[/hider] [hider=Aliens?!]Aliens? In this superpowered universe? Well, yes, aliens are par for the course here. These beings on Earth are very, very, very rare to come across. There aren't many around traversing the streets, unless they are disguised as humans. Governments and organizations such as ATLAS have taken time to cover up stories of aliens and other extra-terrestrial beings. While UFO sightings can still be considered a thing, there hardly is any tangible truth as to whether or not we are alone in the universe... ... well, to the public. Superpowered humans and other organizations are quite aware of the existence of aliens, but honestly have no clue who they might be, or what their appearance could be. ((As an OOC note, you can play as an alien attending Palladium Academy, but you would be under hard surveillance and have a "handler" with you on and off the island. Hopefully you both have a good cover story! Along with that, I will be allowing only [b]FOUR[/b] characters as aliens. If you wish to keep their existence a secret, pm me and my two other gms. If someone tries to make a fifth alien, I will then announce that the slots are all closed an apologize. Why would I do this? [s]Because I'm a sadistic bastard that enjoys turning someone down.[/s] To avoid spoilers.))[/hider] [hider=ATLAS]Established at the beginning of 1944 by the Allies, ATLAS was originally dedicated to finding a way to create super-humans as a way to get an edge on the Axis Powers. However, the research bore no fruit and did not succeed in what they were originally supposed to accomplish. While it would of been disbanded, as it turns out, some of the members of the board in ATLAS had superpowers who then decided with other non-powered humans to take ATLAS in another direction. Through their own experiences of their youth, those with powers and those without established a new goal for ATLAS, which has allowed it to grow into one of the hugest companies today. Their mission is to find youths and educate them on how to control their powers, as well as turn them into proper members of society. Due to the war leaving the other countries in Europe with a lack of funds, they were only backed by the US government, but with a deal. If this failed, ATLAS would be permanently disbanded. However, ATLAS did succeed with its first establishment being in Washington D.C., which brought most kids from around the US that had powers the education on their powers that they needed. While there was some hardships, ultimately, ATLAS raised these children to meet the standards they set on themselves. Seeing as this wasn't a complete waste of time, the government put more funding in, allowing for them to expand. In 1964, the first of many Academy's created by ATLAS was established - Palladium Academy. While there was multitudes of scientific research and breakthroughs there as well, it still successfully managed to get the job done. With the coming times, ATLAS had transformed, turning from somewhat of a school sect and training facility to one of a corporate HQ. Palladium Academy had undergone a lot of changes too, mainly to twist the arms of some students who decided to try and be lazy so they could get a free pass through life there. Usually this school is favorable amongst family's who have had access to superpowers for most of their life to send their kids there... if they have powers. Hey, it is one of the more advanced Academy's of the time and is known for producing upstanding citizens who don't abuse their powers... usually. Along with ATLAS' growth, they have expanded their reach with agents. These agents range from "Handlers," who keep tabs on aliens, to "Watchdogs," who usually keep their eye out for those with superpowers, whether they are families of superpowered humans, a superpowered human in a non-powered family, criminals, etc. While there are other one or two other corporations dedicated to this field, so far, ATLAS has the best grasp on it.[/hider]