I admit that it took [i]way[/i] longer than it should've, but my Terra character is up. Small yay for finally posting a sheet that totally didn't take two whole months to think up and edit for the sake of attempting to create an interesting character? [hider=Clara][CENTER][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/62/9a/97/629a9782209824a1d24a7424a4a910fd.jpg[/img] [b][color=B22222]“I will find my people, and I will take back my name.”[/color][/b][/CENTER] [color=B22222][b]N A M E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Clara Robles[/indent] [color=B22222][b]A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]25[/indent] [color=B22222][b]O R I G I N[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Within the state of Thlecia[/indent] [color=B22222][b]V I S A G E[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Slim and tan-skinned, Clara is a skinny looking woman of 5'9. Her shoulders are broad but slender, and her limbs are long and lean. Donoma's face is also quite long; her light brown eyes are sharp and slanted, her nose thin and pointy, and her jawline is angular and defined. On most days she'll let her wavy hair fall freely past her chest, but if the heat is too much or the sun is too extreme she'll have it tied up. In terms of clothing, loose and simple robes are Clara's preference.[/INDENT] [color=B22222][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R A I T S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]An independent woman who lives by her own rules, Clara is an easy going lady full of confidence and cheerful smiles. Her relaxed demeanour but overall jovial and fun loving nature seems to be popular amongst most people, but with the addition of her cheeky sarcasm, quick witted nature and occasional mischievous tendencies, it's either Clara's thought to be a very charming person or an extremely aggravating one. Having a bolder, sassier side to her, she can sometimes be perceived as the latter. You can only live for so many years she says, so Clara will live by her own choices and what she thinks is right. However, behind that passionate and headstrong persona is a very paranoid woman. Clara may be quick to make acquaintances, but not so much when it comes to trusting others. After experiencing an event she would rather not remember, Clara has become wary of the actions of the Status Eccelsiae, and the mere sight of an Inquisitor is enough to keep her on her toes and ready to break into a sprint at any time. While she doesn't give a second thought about the occasional (and often harmless) prank, a battle of the wits or the humorous but innocent flirt, Clara is an extremely wary lady. Although she wishes to have a little fun with her life and eventually achieve her personal goals, Clara will always live by the phrase 'logic before losses'; she does not lack seriousness and maturity if the situation calls for it.[/INDENT] [color=B22222][b]L I F E E X P E R I E N C E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] Clara's life as a young and innocent girl can be best described in a single word — loud. She grew up with her parents, her two younger brothers and three even younger sisters on the outskirts of Thlecia, living simple lives in a rather cramped but cosy cottage; as a family of eight who called such a small space home, Clara's living space was utter chaos most days. But as exuberant and boisterous as the so called Robles family was, she always appreciated that she was never alone. Clara would soon learn about her actual, less simplistic heritage, the truth that lay behind the oppression of the Status Eccelsiae. She carried Sanuye Tribe blood, a [i]very[/i] long family line of magi with a [i]very[/i] long family history. Suspicion and paranoia resulted in the tribe's dispersion under the rule of the Eccelsiae, leading them to change their names and agreeing to keep quiet in hopes of leading lives that would ensure the safety of the later generations. You could call it reckless pride or the mere preservation of their family culture, but it wouldn't be long until Clara was to be taught the ways of her magical Terra abilities. Her family would keep quiet, but they would not completely silence themselves in the face of unjust rulers. Even if the remnants of the ancient Sanuye tribe had dwindled down to a few small families scattered across Iquenos, they would have their freedom. Somehow, they thought that one day, things would change. And Clara thought so too, that a time where she could freely express the beauty of her magic alongside her distant Sanuye relatives would soon come. Surprisingly, the pressure of keeping her training and lineage a secret hadn't had a drastic affect on her childhood interactions. She retained her usual mischievous antics, playing with the other village children whenever she found the time. Time would pass, and Clara would grow from a cheeky little kid to a sassy teenage girl. She looked after her siblings as any sister would, helped her parents with everyday tasks as any daughter would, and somewhere down the line may have even fallen in love as any teenager would. But somewhere further down the line, someone made a mistake. There had been a slip up somewhere, somehow, some [i]time[/i], but that wasn't on Clara mind on the day Inquisitors came to her village to confront her family concerning illegal magic use. Her parents knew inprisonment wasn't the only thing in store for [i]all[/i] of them, so running away and hiding seemed to be their only option. They got separated. The Inquisitors had quickly caught up, and within the midst of magical bombardments and blind panic, Clara never saw her family again after that. She's been wandering the lands of Iquenos ever since, living under the fake name of Clara for the past eight years in search for her family. But despite the change of name, the intentional vagueness of her backstory and the unfortunate lack of trust for others, Clara is still determined to find the family she lost that day and the tribe that was lost years ago. One day she will find her people, and take back the name the Status Eccelsiae had stolen.[/INDENT] [color=B22222][b]E L E M E N T A L A F F I N I T Y[/b][/color][hr][INDENT]Terra[/INDENT] [color=B22222][b]A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/color][hr][INDENT] [u][color=B22222][b]Prodigium Magium - Praesidium Terrae[/b][/color][/u] By absorbing ether from the earth beneath her feet, Clara has the ability to conjure a brilliant scarlet coloured crystal for different purposes. It cannot be broken through physical means, though magic spells (depending on their severity) can certainly be a problem. The weight and durability of this red crystal, regardless of the amount generated, depends on the type of Praesidium Terrae spell used and the amount of ether Clara uses. The three main spells of her magic include [i]Clypeus, Armis,[/i] and [i]Sylvestre[/i], which all have their own unique functions. [indent][color=B22222][b]Praesidium Terrae - Clypeus[/b][/color] With a touch of her hand, Clara is able to thinly cover any solid surface in her red crystal. This can make a sheet of paper tough enough to break a steel sword, or a twig hard enough to cave somebody's head in. The crystal generated with this spell is very light, making it very versatile spell. [color=B22222][b]Praesidium Terrae - Armis[/b][/color] This spell allows Clara to completely cover parts of her skin - legs, arms and torso - in crystal by will. The spell requires an especially large amount of concentration to maintain, as Clara is only able to harden one part of her body at a time. It also requires a lot of physical endurance to maintain, as this crystal armour is heavy enough to slow Clara's movements. [color=B22222][b]Praesidium Terrae - Sylvestre[/b][/color] Perhaps Clara's most draining spell, and the one that requires the most ether and concentration to execute. This spell allows her to generate crystal from the earth itself, often on a large and devastating scale (she has not had practise with performing such a feat however). With this offensive spell she can conjure up giant crystal pillars in order to injure and impale her enemies.[/indent] [b]Adaptive -[/b] After eight years of travelling alone, quickly adapting to certain situations was something she was forced to learn, and now it has become natural instinct for Clara. She knows how to stay calm, to keep a cool head and retaining her seriousness. Clara is aware that without a calm mind, there's no way out of a crazy situation. [b][s]Legs of a Goddess[/s] Strong legs -[/b] A bit of an odd skill hut nevertheless a useful one, Clara has a lot of power in her legs. This woman has been on the walk for the past eight years now, and it's undeniable that her sprinting power is [i]frightening[/i]. Coupled with her decent stamina, Clara can keep on escaping or chasing for quite some time. [b]Sneaky -[/b] Clara is surprisingly good at sneaking around, a skill developed from years of pranking her childhood friends. She's able to move quietly and efficiently, often able to sneak herself out of the more dangerous situations she finds herself in. [b]A surprisingly nice looking dagger -[/b] A dagger that Clara totally did not steal from someone who tried to helplessly beat her up in a shady alleyway one time. Thankfully, she hasn't brought herself to using it just yet.[/INDENT][/hider]