hopefully not overkill [hider=Aquarians] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Scientific Name:[/color] Syreni Chondrichthyes [color=DeepSkyBlue]Threat Level:[/color] 3 [color=DeepSkyBlue]Height/Length:[/color] 2 M [color=DeepSkyBlue]Weight:[/color] 60 KG [color=DeepSkyBlue]Description:[/color] A Sentient aquatic race from the frozen moon WT-319, also known as Aquaria. By the time of xenos discovery they had built a relatively advanced pre industrial society, culturally at least, despite the difficulties of performing metallurgy underwater. They live in undersea city states built around areas of large amounts of geothermal activity resulting from the gravitational heating resulting from its close orbit to its gas giant. Each city state has large hunting grounds around it, where the majority of their food comes from either net based fishing or trained shivers of hunters who bring in the larger catches. The geothermal vents are then used to cook these catches, to be server in grand feast halls found built in the center of the city. After extraterrestrial contact and trading they made use of vacuum and space suit tech to finally make use of their moons rich ore deposits, massive accelerating their tech advancement. While still below other races they have made a habit of researching and making use of the technologies of all they come across. These days they are rather wide spread, their aquatic lifestyle allowing them to cohabitate world with other sentient species, occasionally without them knowing about it. For example, it took 20 years for humanity to realized they had built a city in the pacific ocean and another 30 to figure out whether that was legal or not, by which point it was basically impossible to remove them the colony anyway. Physically they are a carnivorous water breathing race who are something of a cross between a shark and a mermaid, featuring a strong swimming tail, sharp teeth and tough skin. Their “hair” is a semi flexible series of tentacles that they have some control over and that can be an indicator of their emotional state. The existence of these additional mini appendages makes it much easier to wire in additional limbs than it does to other life forms, as an engineer can simply redirect some of the nerves from these tentacles to whatever mechanical components they desire. When going on land they make use of modified space suits that filter and oxygenate water around their heads and use a variety of neural linked wearable cybernetics for mobility. Without these they will eventually suffocate and be limited to crawling and flopping for terrestrial locomotion. [/hider] [hider=Arra] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lntG1t5.png[/img] [hider=beltless] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kQFywO6.jpg[/img] [/hider] [color=crimson]Name:[/color] Arra [color=crimson]Species:[/color] Syreni Chondrichthyes (Aquarian) [color=crimson]Age:[/color] 21 [color=crimson]Gender:[/color] F [color=crimson]Height:[/color] 1.8M [color=crimson]Weight:[/color] 56 KG [color=crimson]Personality:[/color] She is inquisitive, eager to explore the many strange worlds most of her kind will never other to even read about. Probably gets a bit too excited when killing things. When not hunting she is rather laid back and will generally either go sight seeing, be reading about new places she could go or trying out new meats. [color=crimson]History:[/color] One of the fairly rare members of her kind that take any interest in living above the waves she has taken up monster hunting as a profession primarily as an excuse to explore strange new worlds and get paid for it. Originally one of the many hunters employed by her city to sustain it’s endless desire for meat she showed enough aptitude and saved enough money to take her profession to the stars. She is currently rather new to land based hunting, and thus lacks the firepower to take down anything particularly large or well armored. She learned this the hard way when a [url=http://i.imgur.com/Jh0IZCk.jpg]Rathanus Slicianus[/url] cut off one of her hands when her glaive got stuck in it’s cartilage. She managed to get away and then get mechanical replacement and was somewhat humbled by the experience, forcing her to come to terms with the fact that without a hunting shiver to back her up she would need to be more strategic with her approaches, which is when she bought the harpoon gun and dart launcher. She is currently writing a cookbook of the various xenos meats from an Aquarian hunter’s perspective and is hoping to expand her repertoire of hunted beasts in order to expand it. [color=crimson]Weapons/Supplies:[/color] [color=crimson]Mobility belt:[/color] an array of 4 tentacle like limbs that are used for on land mobility, generally for 4 legged walking. The limbs feature optical sensors that help the user gauge how close they are to terrain. These are naturally linked to her, and so their movements are the same as using her own natural limbs. [color=crimson]Extra-aquatic survival helm:[/color] An extremely durable bullet proof glass dome and an accompanying life support system keep her from drowning on land. It also includes an inbuilt communication suite for getting sound in and out of her watery enclosure and for making long distance calls. Features an airlock system to get food in and out. [color=crimson]Glaive:[/color] A traditional hunting weapon, though this example’s blade is made of steel rather than the sharpened bone of yester-years. [color=crimson]Emergency survival kit:[/color] including flares, rations, glass repair patches, bottled seawater, a swiss army knife, emergency lift balloon and other small useful items. [hider=harpoon gun][img]http://i.imgur.com/LJU9m8T.jpg[/img] A regular old harpoon launcher is useful for stopping pray from escaping. Featuring a strong cable trailing from the large metal bolt that stays fixed in its target, if the user manages to secure the launcher to a tree quick enough it can trap a quarry and leave them ripe for butchering.[/hider] [hider=Dart gun][img]http://i.imgur.com/MI7QLoa.jpg[/img] While this pistol sized weapon features virtually zero penetration power, if it can deliver its payload of elephant tranquilizers to a weak spot of a target then it can knock small creatures out cold or make larger ones tired and sluggish. [/hider] [color=crimson]Misc:[/color] [/hider]