[@Savo] Here is my cs if theres anything wrong tell me and ill try to fix it. [hider=Character Sheet][center][h2][b]Profile : Student[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/BkIEovJ.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Tsukina Izayoi[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]15[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Female[/indent] [h2][b]Basic Information[/b][/h2] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Tsukina is short in height standing at five foot 2 she has soft features beyond the heavy calluses on her fingers. She is of slight build not really having any outstanding features in terms of body type. The two features of her that stick out the most is her pink hair and red eyes which no one is sure is natural or not cause she isnt telling. She often wears a lot of leather bands on her body. From a leather choker to a leather bands around her legs on her thighs and her ankles and calves. Beyond that attatched to her shit via a clip is a small set of leather bat wings and a long devil's tail also made of leather. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Tsukina is a energetic person to say the least she has large dreams and chases them. Though with that said she is also easily angered and can react at times rather comically to sitautions . Beyond that she is eager to show her skills which has led to a few instances in which she ended up hurting herself due to it. Beyond that she is passionate about music no matter what kind music has the power to change the world and invade the soul. As she often says more often than not she sets out to prove it in one way or another. [/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]Tsukina Was born and raised in Sapporo japan. With that said her parents was often away due to work for various reasons often leaving her alone in the house for while they were at work. TO try and keep herself entertained Tsukina turned to music singing along as a young child to the songs though more often than not failing in some parts due to the words in the lyrics. It was when she was 9 that Tsukina noticed something special about her singing. People no matter who as long as her voice was heard would stop entranaced by her singing. As she was singing one day while walking home from school a driver passing through heard her and was caught within her song and continued till he crashed into a wall. This event scared her beyond belief causing her to stop singing for a year afraid of what she may cause. However her love of music and coaching from her parents made her sing again though this time she oftne kept her singing to safer locations where incidents wouldn't happen. It was when she turned 11 that Tsukina seriously started to pursue music as hobby and a potential career. She learned through self taught lessons and the occassional professional coaching to play the guitar. Beyond that she took dance lessons to compliment her singing and dancing with her voice she was sure she would be able to make it big. She would have to be careful though she did not want to be cause of more incidents though. All through this time she saved money to buy a guitar one that she can safely call her own. SHe refused help from her parents wanting to earn via her hard work and through her own sweat and tears. It was a bit after she finally managed to gain enough money to get her guitar the letter came in. Palladium academy a school that could teach her to use her abilities it was going to be yet another step in her path she decided as she showed her parents and they relucntantly agreed. Although for different reasons her parents saw it as a way for her to learn to control it. While she saw it as a way to get her voice heard by more people.[/indent] [b]Other Skills:[/b] [indent] Guitar Playing Singing Dancing [/indent] [h2][b]Power Set[/b][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Siren Song[/indent] [indent][b]Abilities:[/b][/indent] [indent][indent]Siren's song is straight forward in appl;ication. As long as her voice is heard people will be mesmerized by it and unable to look away. Very similar to the siren of legend those who are captured by her song are unable to look away till she stops singing.[/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/indent] [indent][indent]Tsukina's abilties lies within her voice as such dampening the sound of her voice cancels out the mesmerizing ability of her voice. Beyond that if they cant here her voice they can't be affected by its abilities [/indent][/indent] [h2][b]Other:[/b][/h2] [indent]Tsukina despite her "rocker" look tends to talk like a pop idol group. Beyond taht she is never without a guitar pick taking to carry them in odd places as well from hidden inside her shoes to tucking it in to the collar of her shirts and such. Beyond that she has a strange fascination with wrestling moves though she would never admit this outloud[/indent][/hider]