[hider=Mohang] [center][h2][b]Profile : Student[/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/68/79/35/6879355d92d2e9998b62a4cdc2870b7d.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name: [/b] [indent]Mohang Bjorn[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]17[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [hr][h2][b]Basic Information[/b][/h2] [b]Appearance:[/b] [indent]Mohang is average looking kid for his age. He is taller teen about 72 Inches with a athletic frame with a skinny face. His dark orange hair is kept shorter on the sides with the front spiked back while his eyes glow a dark green, some would even mistake them for being Hazel. [/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Charismatic. Goofy. Hyper. Creative. Bold[/indent] [b]Backstory:[/b] [indent]The Bjorn family is quite a wealthy Family that are in the business of collecting and selling Relics and Artifacts from ancient times. Several generations ago, the Family discovered their first Conduit. This discovery was jsut the first of multiple Conduits collected over a century by his Family. Eventually this lead them with having connections with the 'Magic Community', which is the catalyst on how Mohang was sent to the Palladium Academy. The first in his family to properly train and learn about the conduits and more specifically his, which was the first one found so long ago. Mohang was born in a small town in Wisconsin, USA. He lived most of his life with luxarys of his family, going to expensive private schools and always having anything a kid would want. Although his Parents were strict with anything that pertained to his daily life. This of course was on purpose due this his Father preparing him for the day he would need to wield the Conduit and find the powers they wield. For profit or power, it isn't sure to Mohang, but just like his Great Grandfather he too wants to find the power of the conduit and wield the legendary power that he heard endless bedtime stories about from his Grandfather. Less than a year ago, a few calls were made and he quickly received his plane ticket to the Academy.[/indent] [b]Other Skills:[/b] [indent]Mohang considers himself to be an acrobat. From doing multiple flips off a diving bored or climbing the tallest tree, if it involves doing some kind of tricks off it, Mohang will be there trying to do them. Mohang is also an incredible artist, usually his favorite pass time when he's not jumping off buildings.[/indent] [hr][hr][h2][b]Power Set[/b][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] [indent]Conduit Gloves--Deity: Asura[/indent] [center][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/88d0/th/pre/f/2016/291/5/1/51d9c18aee2be2290467affaf51a9202-dalf5ca.jpg[/img][/center] [indent][b]Abilities:[/b][/indent] [indent][indent] The Conduit Mohang possess is a pair of soft leather torn gloves. This conduit lets his body being consumed and replaced with the legendary Deity, Asura or at least that is the name given to the Beast. It is said the wielder that Dons the gloves can control the six armed beast. Each hand controlling and casting the Elements: Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Darkness, and Light. That is what is told, but never achieved. The beast is almost a staggering Nine feet tall and has the strength of Ten men. While the user is still in control, the mind of Asura can communicate with them and easily set the user into a rage. [/indent][/indent] [indent][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/indent] [indent][indent]While Mohang has the ability to summon the spirit to control, it only has two arms instead of the fabled Six and can only use the Fire and Water Elements. Usually after the transformation, Mohang will be extremely acceptable to entering a stage of rage and after a few minutes he can be so fatigued he will collapse soon after reverting to his true form. The conduit also makes Mohang aggressive for a short period of time. He has noticed that it has gotten worse and worse with each use of the Conduit and with each use this unexplained anger last longer and longer.[/indent][/indent] [/hider]