[@Thecrash20] [quote=@Savo] Also, for anyone who might be confused at the full sign and the lack of characters to some degree, this is for people who expressed interest in the interest check. We have literally twenty-one members and three gms... so yeah, that's a whole lotta people. So yeah, for those in the interest check who made it in before I closed it all, post your characters here! If you didn't express interest, I'll add you to a list of people who I will invite to the roleplay once it's open again. I also added slots, which means not everyone who displayed interest will be getting a spot. If you don't manage to make it, I'll put you onto the list of people to invite to the roleplay if it opens again. That's all for now, ciao everyone! I've got posts, characters, and information to get down! [/quote] I hate being the bearer of bad news, but the RP is currently full at the moment, for those who expressed interest in the Int. Check. We'll keep you on a list in case we need someone else for the RP, but at the moment we're full and can't accept the character. Everyone else: I'm working on reviewing CS's. Boy, we got a lot in a short amount of time. I'll try to have my thoughts and stuff up soon, promise!~