[@Dead Cruiser] Okay, I gave his sheet a read over, while his personality/history is... okay, I think he's overpowered. Like, he has waaaaaay too much in his powerset. On one hand, you give some pretty impressive physical abilities that would be strong [i]on their own[/i]. Strong, sharp claws that can cut through metal, can move very fast and dodge bullets (which is preeeeeeetty bullshit), a poison, and a variety of other moves. [i]Then,[/i] you add on the mind powers. Which allow him to control people to a small (but very noticeable) extent, and induce hypnotism - but before I continue, let me go on about this real quick: powers like this will never end well. Because, one; nobody wants their character to be controlled, and two; everyone has a different interpretation of such abilities. You'll [i]never[/i] be able to use it the way you envision without either powerplaying (or basically telling people how they should write their characters), or a shitstorm starting. And I think it's dumb. But, his mental powers have a lot tacked on when, once again, it feels more natural for him to have illusion powers? Maybe telepathy, too? He can fire psychic blasts, and create telekinetic explosions. Like, it would be cool if he had one of theses (toned down, yeah), but both is unacceptable in my eyes. I'd honestly suggest cutting all of his physical abilities, and focus on his mental ones, because that's what feels natural for his character. And nerf his mental powers.