[quote=@Pirouette] I figured that'd be the snag. [/quote] I don't think she's a bad character (well, I think she's a little edgy, but hey), I just don't think being a teacher would be natural for her. I see her as a student brought here to control her bloodlust or weird ghoul powers (which I think are cool, but some of the others have concerns). [quote=@Kiyran] [@Surtr] I see what you mean. It was meant to be his body's reaction to his ability, allowing him to heal people with somewhat severe injuries without completely incapacitating himself for long periods of time. It's more of a self-preservation thing than anything else. If need-be I can change it to where he only regenerates when healing wounds he got through Sacrifice, rather that all wounds he receives. [/quote] Personally, you could just merge both abilities together, and that'd work better in my eyes. Up Sacrifice a bit so that he transfers wounds to himself, and then regenerates them. You can also keep the regeneration that way. He'd fill a better role power-wise in my opinion that way.