[@wxps350] Alright, just my two cents Báihuā and Samson seem good to go from what I see. I don't see any glaring issues at least, and the abilities seem fairly balanced. You have the official Rune Seal of Approval!~ Feel honored~ [@Kiyran] After the changes made, I don't see anything wrong with Galen~ *Stamps seal of approval* [@Pirouette] Oh boy a character that's going to be Meredith's best friend~ Alright...so teacher. That's cool, and I expect them to be a biiit more powerful since well. [@Surtr] already mentioned her personality, so I'm not going to say anything about it. What I take a bit of an issue with is her ability to create what is essentially zombies. All the other abilities are A-okay to me, but that seems a little...jarring to me. Her ability to basically be a zombie, take hits, and modify her body is already a fairly powerful ability in and of itself, I think. You're basically spawning tough-to-kill bullet sponges that in my opinion could classify as a somewhat powerful entity in its own right. I don't mind the ability in and of itself, but teachers are just supposed to be above average in power. What exactly are the limitations on this ability of hers? A number amount she could control at a time? I think it might just be a bit much to start out with honestly, but if neither of the others have too much of a problem with it I'm not going to say too much else. [@Dead Cruiser] I have pretty much the same opinion as [@Surtr] on this matter, so I'm not going to re-hash what has already been said. [@Suku] Hmm...so, basically small scale hypnotism. Alright, I can dig that at least on the scale it is and how it's applied. Simple enough, so you get my seal of approval. [hr] Phew, I foresee a somewhat long night ahead of me...hopefully I didn't mess anything up or miss anyone. SO! I think that's everyone...just wait for both of the others to give ya the go-ahead before posting in the CHAR tab.