"Lunise..." Meesei began, though she hesitated as she tried to reason out in her mind the best way to describe her point. "It is difficult to put into words how much I trust my pack. If you gathered every gold coin in the Empire and offered it to each of them in exchange for betraying me, not a single one would take the offer. If they were offered eternal life, health, and unlimited power to betray me, I am wholly and completely confident they would all still support me. They are a family closer than any I was born with, a family with bonds strong enough that they will transcend death itself. I only suggest telling them about us because I know that there is no risk whatsoever of them betraying that secret. I trust them just as surely as I trust the sun will rise every day. Even if we cannot have a public relationship, I would like for us to be able to at least have some part of that experience. Even if it is just a small group that we can be ourselves around, unafraid." "And...it is not as if there are no...practical considerations for why I am suggesting this." Meesei added. "I want them to know to what extent I trust you. We are going to be working together against Vile, and later to hopefully replace your superiors. I do not wish for them to view you with suspicion. And if something were ever to happen to me...I would fear that they could possibly grow hesitant to work with you. They only know you as the person you act like you are as a Justiciar, remember. Besides, my pack already knows you are no longer a loyal servant of your superiors. They were there on that mission; they were part of at least one or two of the meetings we had with Marod and Areldril. That information alone, if spread to your superiors, would make your superiors brand you as a traitor just as assuredly as knowing that we are lovers. With that in mind...is there any real harm in proving to my pack why they should trust you?"