[color=yellow][h3][center]Lunalel Lightsword[/center][/h3][/color] Luna was quite rudely awakened by the dragon. Well, it didn't help she drank just a little too much the night prior to try keeping up with Sorcha. She raised her head a bit to talk to Sorcha. [color=yellow]"Unnnnnn. . . Sorcha, give me a bit to eat first. Can you or Maoin make something while I rest my head for a little bit? I didn't think you'd want to do this so early."[/color] Her head hurt a bit but it felt better when it heavy impacted back to her pillow. [color=yellow]"Why didn't you stop me last night if you planned this so early. I can do a lot, but your body processes much faster than me."[/color] [color=red][h3][center]Eith[/center][/h3][/color] [color=red]"But so soft and cuddly. . ."[/color] Eith complained hugging the bunny tightly and nuzzling a little against the side of her head, before letting Miren go. [color=red]"You need to do, what you need to do."[/color] The Sheallgh half-heartedly agreed as she sat up with a tired look in her eyes. It was always like that for the first ten or fifteen minutes after she woke up. [color=red]"Shower?"[/color] She had to ask. [color=green][h3][center]Katherine Lindall[/center][/h3][/color] Katherine woke up with her arms around her cat. If nothing else, she was soft and warm. As expected of a cat. She let go of the cat and sat up in bed. It was a day off. What was there to do now. . . She could start on the outfit for Meowka. Well, the one of many. She got out of bed and headed over to her workstation, planning what she would do. A group of three dolls stood on the table where she did most of the work and waited expectantly for her to give orders. [color=green]"Yes, maybe I should just start with these. . . Understood?"[/color] She asked the dolls as they nodded and ran off to gather the supplies. [color=teal][h3][center]Mugi the Yuki-Onna[/center][/h3][/color] [color=teal]"No, that's the pointy end. That hur. . .ts. . ."[/color] Mugi muttered in her sleep. She was having a dream of the past. . . Or something. Kids and their icicle fights. Her eyes threw themselves open though, as she woke up and looked around. [color=teal]"Ahh. . . Cynthia's room. The last thing I remember was studying my butt off."[/color] The first thing different she noticed was the breakfast and tea. Something simple that she could enjoy. She could only assume it was for her. [color=teal]"What a caring dear I have."[/color] The Yuki-Onna said as she began gently eating the food. Soon though both that and the tea were gone. [color=teal]"I feel refreshed now."[/color] It wasn't long after finishing her food that she noticed the note on the nightstand. Opting not to read it now, she grabbed the plate and tea cup and took them downstairs where she found her Dear working and cleaning early in the morning. [color=teal]"Oh, good morning Cynthia!"[/color] Mugi happily said as she made her way to the kitchen. That was where dirty dishes were put right?