Katherine dashed over and snagged Brax's axe, making sure to keep it away from him, "To what end? And those are funny words coming from a theif...perhaps now you know how your victims feel." she shook her head, "No, you're going to live. Becuase you can do better than this, and I think everyone deserves a second chance." She knelt down next to him, making sure his axe was too far for him to grab, and healed him, she then offered him her hand to help him up, "For now, why don't you take a little break from pirating, banditry, or whatever, and think about your life. What you want to do with it? What's important to you? I want you to think about all that stuff....and perhaps, not right now, but in the future some time. I could use your help. Felix mentioned that we were on an important mission and it's true, and I know I can't do it alone....But that's a matter for another time." Kathy smiled and raised her hand closer to him, "So. Do you accept? Oh, my name's Katherine by the way."