[img]https://fontmeme.com/perma /170304/77a80daa7e198b15d909db83a6f07eb4.png[/img] Infuriated as he was over the inbred comment, Caora didnt see that Davis had just shot down his own theory. It took a little negotiation from His Fangesty to point out just how that theory couldnt hold water. Caoara slammed his hands down on the podium. A heroic wind blustered in out of nowhere, raising his skirt and blowing his hair. With righteous fury, he pointed at Davis and cried out [color=hotpink]"I spy with my little eye... A GREAT, FAT, STINKING LIE!"[/color] Cue the music! [color=hotpink]"You just PROVEDED that Krissie couldnt have done it! She was bonked out! If she had done it, how did she clear up the footprints when she couldnt move? There be no footprints, so unless Mr Monk somehow hurt Krissie AFTER she beat him and cleaned up his footprints, then she couldnt have been the one to clear them up! And the only other option is..."[/color] He slammed both hands on the podium. [color=hotpink]"There must have been a third person in tge cave at the time of the crime! Someone to clean up footprints or knock out Krissie! Which means that Krissie is INNOCENT!"[/color] [color=hotpink]"So if somebody [s]once told me the world was gonna roll me[/s] has been in the cave just to knock out Krissy or protect Mr Monk... Why havent they said anything? Whoever it was doesnt want us knowing they were there! Either Krissy was bonked out BEFORE Mr Monk was killdied, and couldnt have cleaned up the boot prints, or she was bonked out AFTER he was killdied, which means someone else, like, must have bonked her and isnt saying! So, like, Krissy TOTALLY couldnt have done it![/color] Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, "Perfection"