Saria saw the tumorous mass of green over on the shore, and began to make her way towards it, each slow step sizzling and heating the sand below her, turning a bit of it into glass. Her heart pounded faster than she could control, but she was wasn’t scared, nor afraid. She was excited. She was vying for a kill, and it didn’t matter to her who or what it was. [color=92278f]"If you aren't too angered to answer, may I ask why you joined the Crucible in the first place?"[/color] [color=red]“My wish?”[/color] Saria froze. For a moment, she couldn’t move; she couldn’t breathe. [color=red][i]My wish, my wish, my wish, my wish… DAMMIT! What was my wish![/i][/color] Saria started to claw at her helmet, like she was trying to reach her brain and rewire it herself. After a few minutes, she stopped, her helmet outlined by fine, white scratches. [color=red]“My wish? I want to die.”[/color] She let that hang in the air for a moment. [color=red]“However, I will not be killed by you. I must find someone truly worthy of taking my life.”[/color] With that, Saria began to walk towards the clump of green. Even through her frenzy, deep down, she wasn’t thinking about the possibility of losing. In fact, she was thinking about all the ways she was going to kill whoever it was she was going to fight. Whoever it was may have had some plants, but she would burn them all down. [@Banana] [@Lugubrious]