[@Windstormugly] [@Bishop] Shaking her head from the impact and looking around she noticed that a few others had already moved past and cleared out. Leaving a mess of people behind them dead or alive. [color=a0410d]"well good to know some people know how to handle this quick and efficient"[/color] Ranna chuckled her hands shaking. She looked at them for a moment as if enlightened about her own character in this test. Glancing at the others in the group, Gold and Tserv was it? Ranna gave a faint smile [color=a0410d]"Is this a good time to mention that i have little experience with actual combat??"[/color] Of course she didn't lack complete experience but most came from the kind that had support and heavily equipped marines all over the place. Preferably in-between her and the enemy. Her computer beeped, at least something good happened as a faint map of the nearby structure of the ship showed, they wouldn't walk completely blind into the corridors of the ship.