[h3] Techster - Lutwidge Manor Interior - Library [/h3] [@TheHangedMan][@Mercenary Lord][@AtomicNut[@Regitnui] [hr] Techster didn't reply, he merely stood. His face was serious and appeared lit with fury. A few quick, precise finger presses along his torso and his armor began spreading from beneath his clothes and then over then. He extended a hand towards Charlotte. "It would be a pleasure, besides my Duty," he sight in a level tone. "I hope your maid can drive, and you have a car. I didn't bring anything for mobility, wasn't expecting trouble across town. On the way I can look at your stuff and maybe make an addition. But I don't think I'll have the time to figure it out." Whether or not she accepted the offered hand, Techster would begin to walk towards the front door now. Barely audible, easily missed it one wasn't paying attention, he muttered, "Mom and Dad are gonna kill me." [H3] On the Way to the Docks.... [/h3]