[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Sel's return to the world of sleep was cut short as she felt herself roll onto the ground, landing onto her side with an incredible thud. The mage rubbed their now painful side, but ultimately it would be unlikely that any bruises would from the annoying but ultimately short fall. It took her a couple of moments to rub the sleep out of her eyes before looking that the black fox with a questioning look. [color=gray]"S-sly it's too early to play right now ..."[/color] A quick look at the window revealed she should be asleep for at least another hour as she rose to her feet. [color=gray]"... what do you want?"[/color] The girl let out a tired yawn before looking over the now humanoid fox with no small degree of exhausted irritation that only a teenager could manage. A quick glance at nearby mirror let her give off a sigh of relief. Was she hungry or something? [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] The cat let out a sigh as Lady Sorcha hopped out of the window ready to face the day. For a few seconds Maoin simply stood there as she looked towards Luna before going into the kitchen and preparing a quick meal mostly consisting of fruits but also including two pancakes. She returned to the bedside and gave Luna's shoulder a gentle shake as she placed the food on a nearby small table along with a large glass of water. [color=darkslateblue]"Lady Sorcha seems ... excited today."[/color] She had seen how much the dragon had drank and yet she seemed to have some sort of anti-hangover. [color=darkslateblue]"Anyways, you should eat up. If you need me to help put on your armor or anything else just give the word."[/color] The cat let off a caring smile as she would wait for the knightess to finish her meal - she herself had prepared a smaller plate of food as she worked that was already finished. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NPEcX6A.png[/img][/center] Meowka seemed slightly disturbed in her sleep as her new mistress left, but ultimately she grabbed a spare pillow and pulled it closer to herself instead, curling up slightly around it as she did so and chewing on it slightly as she rested.