[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KBBwK0P.png[/img]Collab with [@TheWindel][/center] [color=daa520]"Yeah, I guess that all we can do is keep on giving or best, right?"[/color] Diana said, replying to Omega, just as the bells began to call for the. [color=daa520]"Anyway, let's go, this battle seems like it'll be very important. One way or another."[/color] she added, following right after the Ghostly Gunslinger. As soon as Diana crossed the portal she nodded to any other Angels in the vicinity. [color=daa520]"This place is probably going to get chaotic really soon. We'd better find that person and get outta here ASAP,"[/color] she said after glancing at the arriving forces of the Demons and the Machina not very far away from where theirs was located. [color=daa520]"I'll go scout ahead, if there's one thing I know how to find is the kind of secret room we probably should be looking for."[/color] With those words, Diana took the lead of the Angel's party, racing ahead in the Dungeon corridors. [color=daa520]"This place is certainly spacious,"[/color] Diana commented to herself as she walked the misty maze. In fact, she was quite certain that she knew this strange aroma in the air. It was something she could never forget. The flowers growing from the walls weren't unknown to her either, but even then, Diana couldn't put a finger on what they meant. [color=daa520]"Hmm... what am I doing, anyway? I know that I came to this place looking for something, or someone, but— Argh!"[/color] It didn't take long until Diana bumped into something in her way down the dark maze, the sound of metal grinding against the rough rock making it evident that she had lost her sword, after falling. Once Diana opened her eyes again, shaking her head to clear away the sudden dizziness, she found herself in a totally different place. A huge cave, in a the face of a high mountain. A city nearby was burning, the plume of black smoke rising from it was visible even from this far, all thanks to Diana's draconic eyes. [color=daa520][i]"My... eyes?"[/i][/color] she thought. Surprised that she couldn't let any sound other than a groaning roar escape her throat. Diana clutched her neck, only to find the sensation of hard scales and claws. [color=daa520][i]"Could it be? No!"[/i][/color] the Dragon girl thought startled as she ran around, searching for something to use as a mirror, until she found a huge pond and, looking at it, she saw her own reflection... her [url=http://imgur.com/a/KYYnt][b]true reflection[/b][/url]. Panicking without knowing what happened, Diana let out an earsplitting roar. She couldn't even control her own body, after all. Trying to find a way out, she turned to the entrance of her cave, the place she called home for so long, after being born the last one of her kind. [color=gold]So you're the one who's been giving us grief,"[/color] came a quiet voice of contempt. Yet despite its soft nature, Diana would be well off hearing it above the crackling of fire and flames outside the cave. Standing at its entrance was a [url=https://i.imgur.com/YPgAShk.jpg][b]man plated in golden armor[/b][/url] whose single expression was nothing short of a neutral glare. He feared not the beast before him nor the destruction it could cause, studying Diana's form with a gaze that seemed to bore deep into her scales. [color=gold]"You can come peacefully or I will extract you with force. Your tools can be put to...better uses."[/color] [color=daa520][i]"Hmm!? It can't be!"[/i][/color] Diana roared loudly. She knew the voice which called for her but... could it be that she was facing— [color=daa520][i]"You are!?"[/i][/color] another roar shook the cave as she turned around to face the knight standing by the entrance of her lair. Diana's eyes looked full of shock, or maybe fear as the man she barely was supposed to recognize stood before her, a glance at his armor causing her to tremble. [color=daa520][i]"It can't be true, something must be happening!"[/i][/color] she yelled —though the only sound to come out was another roar— before lashing forth with a claw, intent on grabbing a hold of him out of curiosity.[center][youtube]https://youtu.be/li9qTVVk1AA[/youtube][/center]The man's eyes narrowed at this action and he leapt upwards to avoid the slash. Perhaps it was becoming clear of the illusion taking place, though whether Diana was smart enough to piece that together was unknown at the moment. For now, she would continue to suffer these memories, the golden-armored man landing back to the ground and this time with a mighty blade summoned in hand. [color=gold]"So be it then,"[/color] he said, leaping forward to slash at the dragon's face. [color=daa520][i]"What!?"[/i][/color] Diana raised a claw to protect her face as soon as she noticed the knight's action. Apparently, he had misunderstood her swipe as an attack and decided to counter, leaving her at a disadvantage. That wasn't her intention at all, but as a sudden instinct of fighting for her own survival took hold of Diana, she was forced to bow down to her inner rage, even if she attempted to resist. [color=daa520][i]"Stop it, I don't want to—"[/i][/color] Before she could say anything else, Diana beat her wings, causing a great gust of wind to blow out of the cave, trying to push the knight away without harming him, while she remained sane. To this action, the man slammed his armored fist into the ground, clawing at the stone to keep from being blown away. Metal scraped and flashed yet he was able to keep in hold even as the mighty monster tried its hardest to toss him aside. With his other hand, he held his blade back before throwing it at Diana like a javelin. With luck it would pierce her side and incapacitate her, ending this battle. Though dragging it out further would no doubt turn this cave into a similar picture to that of the burning village below. Diana roared once more. Trying to not rage and lose herself was getting harder with every passing second. The blade that carved into her flesh, letting a large splash of crimson paint the walls and floor of the cave didn't help at all. Just like a bull, seeing the color of her own blood only made Diana's rage grow further. With a mighty roar she swiped at the knight, intent on grabbing him once more. If that didn't do, she reached forth with her jaws, trying to get a hold of him that way, before it was too late for both of them. [color=gold]"Stubborn,"[/color] the knight commented, catching the subtle flicks of rage sparking from the dragon's eyes. [color=gold]Yet you're still going to fight me after that blow. Fool. Only the weak bleed,"[/color]he said, getting to his feet and dodging the sloppy swipe of the dragon's claws. Yet that only put him into the line of sight for her massive jaws and he held his blade upwards, jamming it between Diana's fangs to fend her off that way. [color=gold]"A creature of destruction is nothing more than a tool to be used,"[/color] said the knight, ripping his blade away to punch Diana square in the jaw. [color=daa520][i]"Argh!"[/i][/color] Diana stumbled back with the force of the punch. It was indeed just as she recalled from her past. [color=daa520][i]"Wait? Just as I... remember? That can't... be. I wasn't supposed to—"[/i][/color] Indeed, she wasn't even supposed to remember her past. Yet, why was this so familiar to Diana? But, before she could think further about it, the rage grew on her once more. Diana jumped backwards, getting some distance between her and the knight before launching herself forward, to fly out of the cave at full speed and land over a rock on the mountain's side. She roared once more, just that this time her mouth was beginning to crackle with energy, signaling that Diana was about to use her most powerful attack, unleashing destruction upon the land, if she wasn't stopped.[center][youtube]https://youtu.be/mFl3gAvupIY[/youtube][/center]And while the land's ruination was of no particular care to the knight, he had been ordered to stop the beast laying waste to it. Such as it were then that he walked out of the cave and looked up high where the dragon sat perched. By the ripples of pressure in the air, there was no doubt a direct blast from Diana's breath would make this world tremble. [color=gold]"If it's rage you so desire, than I will give it to you,"[/color]the knight said, eyes flicking up ever higher. As his sight made contact with the sun raised high, he allowed himself a small smirk. [color=gold]"Can you feel it dragon? The sun's power...."[/color] he muttered, body convulsing as the star's rays continued to shine its light upon the world. Power equaling to the dragon's gathered in the knight's form and his sword was held in a deathly vice grip. A shining aura had begun to surround his form as well, snarls and growling escaping his lips. His eyes lost all coloration save for a hot yellow that glowed with animal-like fury while his teeth clenched in inhuman jaws. With a roar to match that of the dragon's, he leapt forward to meet his foe head on. Snarling like a madman, he thrust his gauntlet-clad palm directly into Diana's face and crushed the sphere of energy that had begun to form and forcing the beast back with the impact of its departure. [color=gold]"MOVE ASIDE!"[/color] [color=daa520]"Go away! I don't want to,"[/color] Diana yelled. She got so surprised that finally she could speak again that she couldn't even dodge the blow coming at her. After being hit, the Dragon was sent flying by the blow, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake, until she crashed in a huge crater, amid some nearby woods. Once the dust and debris began to settle, Diana's draconic form had vanished. On its place was her usual diminutive self, naked and unconscious, but seemingly alive and out of danger. The fact that Diana could survive such an attack was a testament of the dragonkind's power, however now she stood at the mercy of the knight. Her fate in his hands.[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img] [@thewizardguy][/center][color=daa520]"Ugh... what was that? A vision? No, I don't think so. It was way too real to be a vision,"[/color] Diana said to herself moments later as she regained her consciousness and tried to get back to her feet. [color=daa520]"What am I even doing in this place, by the way?"[/color] she said while trying to get a feel of the floor under her, [color=daa520]"I feel like there was this important thing, I should be doing but then... that person came in and we fought and then... a mission?"[/color] Still unable to think clearly about what she should be doing, Diana just sat there, in the dungeon floor's cold stone tiles, absentmindedly. No matter how much she tried to come up with reason for why she was here in this place and what she was supposed to do, the only image that came to her mind was the [url=http://i.imgur.com/nxwLAv0.jpg][b]distressed figure of a certain girl[/b][/url]. [color=daa520]"But who's she? And... why does that make me feel so... is that how sadness is supposed to be? I—I really don't know,"[/color] Diana said to herself.[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eU39VK3.png[/img][/center]One strange thing that anyone who previously knew of Diana and crossed her way at this moment would notice is that her appearance had changed a ever since she stepped into the dungeon. There was something unmistakable about [url=http://i.imgur.com/LPXW1P0.jpg][b]Diana's current looks[/b][/url], she seemed more... wise, without looking unlike her usual self. It seemed like something in her had grown, almost as if she managed to conquer a piece of herself that even Diana wasn't aware —or perhaps, one that she was afraid— of, without ruining her spirit. [color=daa520]"Well, I guess that I won't find any answers by staying here like this. Off we go, then,"[/color] Diana said to herself as she got back to her feet and patted her clothes off of any dust. Deciding that whatever was it that brought her to this dungeon must be waiting in the deepest parts of the complex, Diana began to walk, following the air current which seemed to spread this strangely familiar blue mist all over the place. [color=daa520]"This place... certainly is spacious, though,"[/color] Diana said in a strange way echoing the words that she said not too long ago. Little did the dragon girl know that the route she took would place her in direct collision course —literally, given Diana's tendency to bump into things bigger than her— with a certain demonic looking knight that also prowled the Oblivion Dungeon on his way towards Helena's chamber.