[hider=K2B-894's Unicorn] [Center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/71/26/64/7126643f428ef6884c67f1365111b553--cyber-arm-to-fight.jpg[/img][/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Name[/color][/center][Center]Enyo Auroria[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Species[/color][/center][Center][hider=Auroria] Description: From Hamel Bjorn's video footage and accounts, Auroria true self is a Plum color with his clothing or perhaps armor is a Dark blue. The clothing is missing pieces revealing its skin tone. It stand upright and looks very similar to Humans, but noticeably different in the details. A Skull white Helmet covers its face and it is currently unknown what its facial features would look like. A sketch has been publicly released, without giving too much out to the Public. [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/6f9a/f/2013/292/0/6/warframe_01_by_ignusdei-d6r0hq1.jpg[/img] Scientific Name: ??? Has been coined [i]Auroria Sapian[/i] Threat Level: 5 Height: 78 Inches or 198.12 Centimeters Weight: 200-400 Pounds Description: Long ago, their was a sentient species that thrived on K2B-894. Still very primitive as nothing truly remains of the species to prove of the existence or of the technological advances of the species. Of course this is just speculation. It was not even certain if the species exists, only reports from scientist and Hunters documenting this species of Alien life. Most of them had differ largely besides a few similarities. All that was truly known is that it walks upright, is bipedal, and It resembles a Human form. Some Hunters had reported seeing the Species interact with the local wildlife, wielding weapons, and even using tools, while others noted they seem to look like nothing more than this planet's form of apes. Their was few video confirmations of the supposed creatures and the ones that did exist are of low quality or do not properly show the creatures interactions other then it moving and quickly dispersing into tree lines. That was all that was known until more recent interactions with this creatures. This creature has been identified as a single entity. A famed Hunter known as, Hamel Bjorn recently captured the Alien. From video footage and from his own account, the Alien was shown to be sentient, it could communicate, and even understand the Hunter. Supposedly it learned to speak our language from just a hour long interaction with the Hunter. The Alien, now known as Auroria (Name similar to the planet) once lived with others of its kind on the planet. A time so long ago Auroria knew of the Third Moon before it had formed the debris belt that surrounds the planet today. After several days, multiple video footage, and a hunting session with the creature. Bjorn parted ways with it. More information is desperately wanted by the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge. They are offering large rewards for further investigation with this Alien and even larger sums for it being captured. [/hider][/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Age:[/color] Unknown. Possibly several thousand years[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Gender:[/color] Male[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Height[/color] 78 Inches[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Weight[/color] 345 Lbs[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]Personality:[/color] Enyo could be described like a ancient monk. Calm and moving with ease. He prefers isolation, but doesn't necessarily hide himself away. He has pride for his planet and the ones who inhabit it, seeing the nature as important as his own life. To this effect he could be considered kind. Even the few Hunters who had reported distant interaction described him to be 'soft'. Letting loose the smaller known animals from their snares or even delivering the finishing blow to a beast suffering from a wound.[/center] [Center][color=0072bc]History:[/color][/center] Long ago, a time that Enyo could barley recall, his people settled down on this planet. The purpose for leaving their original planet is lost to him as Enyo was just a child. Their was about three tribes that settled down, but they all fell ill due to a virus that was carried with them as they traveled to Auroria. Enyo assumes this was the same virus that forced them to leave their home in the first place, but has no clear evidence. With only a Handful of his kind left, each of them decided to split off, their location currently unknown to Enyo. He now lives with nature becoming The 'Spirit of Auroria' named by the local hunters, protecting the land from poacher and Hunters who use inhumane methods of hunting. Enyo has become famous with the Galactic Adventure Hunting Lodge, hoping they can find more information about him. [Center][color=0072bc][color=0072bc]Weapons/Supplies:[/color][/color][/center] [Center][color=007236]Alien Bio-Mechanical Armor[/color] The Alien armor and helmet worn by Enyo is not made out of metal, but of bone and flesh. The 'chitin' armor is formed around his race as a natural way to protect their more fragile Plum colored skin. If the armor was to break, it would begin to 'grow' back as long as Enyo is properly nourished. The Helmet is a mix of technology and the Bone like armor that is formed. It Allows him to see in any amount of light and has a sonar ability that allows him to easily detect the locations of things by the vibrations and sounds traveling through the ground or air. The more fully complete the armor the more strength Enyo is given by it. From being able to flip over a large vehicle to dropping as weak as a Human child. Although it is very rare his armor is completely shed and he isn't sure what would happen if it were to. [/center] [Center][color=007236]Bio-Blaster[/color] [img]http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/6/67/Devourer.jpg[/img] This handgun looking object is a conical lump of flesh, infested by flea like parasites with Red, sharp heads. When the weapon is triggered, a bio-electric jolt hurls a shower of these creatures at the target. They begin to eat away metal, bone, scales, until they are borrowed in the skin. After the parasites have dug their way in the skin they begin to to release a natural anesthetic that begin relaxing the muscles of the location hit until they can no longer move and then eventual incapacitated. The parasites quickly begin to die after being launched from their hive, and only get to release their poison until they whiter away. Since the creatures are so small it takes masses of them and constant application for the weapon to properly succeeded, also taking account how large the intended target is. The largest of creatures will barley be effected unless the parasites have can placed directly into muscles or organs. While it may sound gruesome, it is a painless process and if not visually noticed or heard the target may not even know they are being attacked until they can no longer move. [/center] [Center][color=007236]Bio-Blade[/color] This blade is an ancient Relic from his Home World that was crafted using Bio tech long lost to him and mostly likely his entire species. It was once his Clan's greatest Relic and now wielded by Enyo. The Blade itself is a living organism, which has a small brain situated deep within its hilt and has a rudimentary sentience that allows it to gradually grow in length and repair any damage to itself by stealing the nutrients of the wielder. Similar to a parasite. However, it is completely slaved to the will of its wielder and is incapable of any independent thought, although it can 'communicate' with the wielder to inform of the damage it has inflicted and the current state of the weapon. The weapon is made of the same 'chitin' that forms the armor of Enyo and constantly crackles with a field of energy which disrupts solid matter. The generator is stored within the blade itself and charged by electricity, most commonly by batteries stolen from hunters or lightning. [/center] [Center][color=007236]Misc[/color] Enyo has a tail that is usually wrapped around his waist. It is useless for the most part. [/center] [/hider]