[@Ashevelendar] Personally, I believe that everything posted by everyone in an RP is a must to read [sub][color=ed1c24][i](in fact I require it in my Rps)[/i][/color][/sub] Yes, it can lead to meta gaming but that is a Gm problem and they should be policing that and requiring edits if a person pulls that metagame card. While it may not affect a character right then, it could later - or at least give an Rper a better understanding of a character. Example - Character A is dressing in room 1 while talking with character B - but character C is in room 2 minding their own business. Character A leaves room 1 and goes into room 2 and is now wearing a chicken on their head. If the Rper controlling character C did not read the post between character A and B while in room 1 - how the hell are they going to know to react to the chicken on character A's head? - (Yes, that is a bit out there but you get the point.) The biggest problem I find some Rpers is not metagaming - it is lack of paying attention to what is posted. Metagaming is far easier to correct with a post edit than people missing huge chunks of information that they didn't see because thy figured the post would never pertain to them. I have to request edits constantly or throw down the ~well you should have read this but didn't so I am going to smash you with a hammer~ card to get my point across. RP may stand for roleplay but it also stands for the fundamentals of RP - Read/Post - First you read, then you post. It doesn't mean you read what you want to and get to the rest later. So yes, if you wish to Rp - then you MUST read. [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/824debda1d422f64affc33a4311a1a7d/tumblr_od3g51RYB61qgt3xfo1_400.gif[/img][/center] My two copper pieces as it were.