[@Ashevelendar] The character shouldn't know why but the character should know that they are wearing the chicken. As far as where each character is in the RP, that is not the Gm's thing to post. That is the Rpers. That is what their post is there for. To tell where they are, what they are doing, and so forth. It is up to the Rper to draw the line between what their character sees and actually knows. That is part of being a good Rper. There is a great difference between what you (the rper) knows and what your character knows. You need to draw that line. A very thick line, with stone and a concrete wall on top of it, with barbed wire on the top, and quick drying cement underneath it. No going over, around, or under it. As a Gm I have know exactly what every character is doing at all times but I have to draw a line between what all I know personally and what my characters in the RP know. Even though I am the all powerful GM, it doesn't give me a free card to metagame as I see fit to make my characters know everything as well. That's just poor Gming.