[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lk0Ku2f.png[/img] [h2][b]Zeruel[/b][/h2] [@KoL][@thewizardguy][/center] As Zeruel's warriors continued pushing into the dungeon, they suddenly witness a hellish character slicing through the lesser Angelic forces, as well as some of his troops as well. The frontline Michaels wield their swords as they attempt to subdue this monster, but for awhile they couldn't barge through him. Surely this character had a good reason to be entrapped here in this dungeon of Hell. Yet as he approaches the portal entrance, he suddenly stops and runs deeper into the dungeon depths. Zeruel attempts to blast the character with his eye beam, but unfortunately it missed by a very close margin. Whoever this character is, he won't be getting away from the Angel of Might, the Leader of the Hierarchy. With one of his tendrils, he signals a small squad, comprised of two Michaels, a Sachiel, and a Ramiel. [b]"FOLLOW THAT DEMON."[/b] he booms at them commandingly, [b]"SCOUT OUT THE LOWER DEPTHS AND PREPARE FOR OUR DESCENT. HE WON'T GET FAR."[/b] The three angels complied with his orders as they began to follow his trail. Just after they disappear behind the ragged rocks, Zeruel hears the chant coming from Iona. They are to scout out and destroy both forces from Hell and the Machina, while not trying to go insane from the Blood Countess' magic. Of course, Zeruel's mind and radiant holy AT-Field will grant him temporary immunity to the hallucinogen, but if he perhaps stays here for too long, even he will succumb to it's effects. Even the clones, more ghostly in nature, will have the same effect, but probably only for a lesser time. But then Iona mentions [i][color=daa520]'a lizard spewing blue flames that looks like a bigger Juno'[/color][/i] and that how it's her target. He knew exactly what she meant. It also means that it was lurking somewhere within the depths of this very dungeon... perhaps the exact place they were going [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/3uAr40h.png[/img] [h2][b][color=00aeef]Titanica[/color][/b][/h2] [@KoL][/center] The Laguna trio began to trail the hellish warrior in quick pursuit, they would find that their surroundings became darker and darker the deeper they descended. Who knows what kind of deep hell will the find in here, but regardless they must obey their master's commands or be brutally martyred by his hand. As they reached one of the entrances leading into the dungeon, one of the Michaels gets hit by a massive ash-colored tail, slamming him brutally into a wall. [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCjLbWnTER8][b]"Destination: Fucked"[/b][/url][/center] The Angels stepped back in surprise as they looked at their dead comrade on the floor, his spine broken and his head being sprawled in a very unnatural way. They look up to see a blue hue glow in the darkness, pulsating rapidly as it slowly sways in the blackness. Then they see two yellow eyes pierce the darkness as they look down on the three soldiers with a purposeful grimace. As the Angels looked upon the character, the other Michael roars his battle cry as he attempts to slice it with his sword. He's met by a powerful swipe of the character's hand, again, slamming him into a wall as well. Sachiel and Ramiel instinctively began to fire upon the mysterious creature, the former using his lance blaster and Ramiel using lightning. The creature howls in annoyance as her plates began to rapidly pulse, followed by another sound as if plasma was charging up. The character runs towards Sachiel, her right fist lighting up a bright light-blue as it grips the Laguna's head. The angel attempts to get free, but is soon silenced as his skull was crushed by the sheer might of the creature. Ramiel was the only one left and he continues to form and fire lightning spears from his hands, only to slowly realize that they had no effect on it. Then the creature's spines began to rapidly pulse, with a blue glow beginning to form under the yellow eyes. The last thing that the Ramiel would see, was a gaping mouth, filled with blue plasma, and the face of "The Destroyer Of Worlds".