Sammael had been standing in line with a look of disinterest on his face, he gazed at the horizon and was lost in his own thoughts. Truth be told he didn't need the supplies as much as some others, but the bar needed a restock and whatever was left he could hand out in the hab area near it. He vaguely noticed security showing up and the tension in the air beginning to thicken as the crowd got a bit more rowdy. This was to be expected of course, after all they'd had no help out here for months and suddenly a ship shows up with rations. Suddenly a shout, a voice crying out that the supplies had run dry, then hell broke loose. The crowd erupted into a full scale riot, Sammael in the middle, at first the few that managed to land blows weren't able to do much, and he would occasionally retaliate with a backhand or a punch, each time he attacked another of the would be rioters fell. Things escalated even more when a Molotov was thrown at the ship, fire sprung everywhere and bullets started to ring out, it was then that weapons began to be drawn, unfortunately Sammael had left his ripper in his room, however when you're a veroxian you always have weapons at your disposal. He reached forward and snatched a worker off their feet, hurling them into some of the unruly crowd as the fighting got even more intense, his wolflike eyes scanned the crowd, had he known who he was looking for his sense of smell have have helped a bit in this endeavor, but that couldn't be helped now. He struck his way through the crowd, a few of the workers had managed to leave cuts on his arms and legs, but he was used to pain, and the knives they carried were small in comparison to those used by his own people. Finally he spotted what he had been looking for, a gunman. Pushing people out of the way Sammael advanced on the man, he made sure not to look as though he was intentionally moving towards him, but he readied himself in case he was noticed. His blue eyes glared into the man as he grabbed and shoved civilians out of his way, it was their fault the riot had started, and he was going to find out why.