[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8gBNBNv.png[/img][h3][color=00a651][u]The Frog[/u][/color][/h3][/center] [i][b][color=00a651][u]"-TAT-A-TAT-A-TAT-A-TAT!"[/u][/color][/b][/i] screamed the Frog as he walked through this bleak area, finishing up his past encounter with a certain corpse. A feminine 'college-age' robot was the corpse that he loaded a couple hundred buck-shots into, and as her smoldering body lay upon the ground in a pile of rust and metal, the Frog gasped heavily. The air here was thick, that was sure, and this place seemed to answer itself. It was [i]designed[/i] to play tricks on him. At least that's what it seemed to be. He knew that he fried that motherfuckin' owner months ago, and her existence was pretty much invalid now due to that. Hell, it was a bit more than unnerving for him to see her, if it didn't steel his mind that this place was meant to get to him. As the Frog continued forward, he continually kept seeing the faces of three different people. Lucille, her daughter, and that same wolf girl from the beginning. What in the Nexus that meant, he didn't know, but he did notice that none of them actually initiated any attack on him. Odd, considering that they were more prominent people in his life. For the time being, the Frog continued in his pursuit of truth as he carefully watched his followers. He'd gladly put a bullet through Lucille if he had to, though. [hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/lIZtjvy.png[/img][h3][color=92278f][b]Bonesword[/b][/color][/h3][@Awesomoman64][/center] [color=92278f][b]"I guess I'll go too. I've sat out my share, considering this place hates me."[/b][/color] Bonesword didn't like having to deal with shit on a daily basis, and he was slightly eager to continue fighting for something, even if it hated him. His project could wait a battle, he supposed. [center][i]After a few minutes...[/i][/center] What in the fresh Sam Hill is this place? Bonesword could feel his soul cower as he walked into the realm with Wolf. The skeleton's third sword, Unleash, was quickly drawn in defense as he stood beside Wolf. Whatever this place could do, Bonesword had to be ready. While his mind was clogged with thoughts that caused great issues amongst him, one of them stood out from the rest... quite literally, in fact. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0b/6e/67/0b6e673fe239b8dbf40d600379614e0c.jpg]A large demon, armed to the teeth with varying weapons[/url] (in the far past, judging by the advancements) was gloomily staring at the skeleton, his four arms flexed and ready to dish out some pain. [color=firebrick]"My old first mate! Funny, I didn't expect to be findin' yer' ass here..."[/color] Rhine?! H-he was dead! He was the reason that she... she... it couldn't be him! I-It had to be an impostor! This place was playing tricks on him! If Wolf could feel the swordsman's emotions, the only two that he could feel would be a state of utter confusion, and the bitter taste of ultimate fear. [color=999999]“Be wary of your thoughts, brothers. This place will try to twist them.”[/color] The skeleton heard Wolf say this line as he quivered in his boots towards Rhine. If he was right, then Rhine was truly dead and this wasn't a real version of the demon lord. He couldn't be sure of it, though, as he knew that this place could be one of any sort, and Wolf could be trying to deceive him... but there's not a reason he would do that. The guy seemed quite nice! He was clearly uncomfortable around Bonesword earlier, but he couldn't blame him for it, everyone was that way near the skeleton. After a moment of hesitation, Bonesword asked the knight beside him a seemingly-stupid question. [color=92278f][b]"Please tell me that you can't see the rhinoceros-demon that killed my soulmate right there."[/b][/color]