There is little opposition and I sweep aside the few undead who dare to try to oppose me. I open my mouth wide and scream in an explosion of sonic force that shatters undead bones and clears the first of the islands in the lake of the skeletal minions of one of the Tyrant’s many lackeys. Gazing down at the island I see that it is distant from all the others and that the island itself is held down with chains. It is clear what that means. And I feel a burning anger fill me at the sight of one of my brothers chained down beneath the lake of the damned. My black wings beat as I dive again and smash at the first of the chains with all three of my tails. The links shatter at the impact and I feel a vibration and see ripples running across the water as the whole island shudders. Another pass breaks the second of the great chains and I see the ripples and shuddering growing stronger. I pull away rising on my black wings as exultation fills me and the chains begin to snap on their own. “Aldaril First Born of Lymaeus!” I cry out in the voice of the depths, and joy fills my cry instead of loss. “The Tyrant is dead! Rise!” And as I cry out I see the last of the chains snap. Two great arms like mountains themselves rise and then plunge into the water again to push as the island rises and a smaller one breaks the surface in front of it. Slowly a giant of stone rises up from the water. I weep for his suffering as I see the scorch marks that cover the stone but Aldaril was always the strongest and he endured. “Sister.” I hear his voice thunder back like the crash of falling rocks as he rises. But there is a strange echo to his voice as if something is missing. “We must free the others.” I call back. There is no time to dwell on conditions; I have to free them all. I haven’t waited through the Tyrant’s entire reign to stop now. “Aldaril!” I cry out again as he stands chest deep in the lake motionless. “Help me.” Finally I see him begin to move, and one of his arms reaches out to brush aside hundreds of the gathering undead. I dive for a new island, one that holds a single massive tree wrapped in flaming chains. I scream again and the skeletons shatter as my wings strike the water and send it washing over the island to quench the fire that burns along the chains. I land upon the island and again my tails lash out to smash and break the chains. “Glissa Fifth Born of Lymaeus!” I call to her as the last chains break. “Sister, the Tyrant is dead! You are free.” But there is no answer to my glad cry as the great tree just sits there burnt and battered before me. I begin to despair even as I hear Aldaril’s voice thundering out Marra’s name. Then I see the blackened bark and burnt wood beginning to peel away. In a moment it is all gone, leaving only a women made from wood who stirred weakly behind. I wrap one of my tails around her and lift her as I take to the air again and glance up. The Derevi still flock above the lake and I have not seen many fall so I turn my attention back to the lake. Standing atop one of Aldaril’s mountainous shoulders is a shimmering maiden made from sparkling water. Marra lived as well! I rejoice inside, only Nyxis and Lloris still remain. I am so close, but I’m worried. I dive towards a final island as Aldaril’s great strides take him to another. My scream shatters the undead again as I descend and then land. This island holds a great jar and I lash out with my tails to shatter it. As it shatters I hear a whistling sound and a gust of wind whips past me. It was faint but I know it is a sign that Nyxis is free. It is Lloris who worries me most and I rise again and soar to the last island that Aldaril now stands beside. I see a loathsome creature like a worm of smoldering ash and then feel horror at myself as I recognize it as what remains of my brother. But they are free, and they live. I rejoice even as I surrender’s Glissa to one of Aldaril’s great hands.