Of species: Human:Wide eyed conquerors of galaxy, more robust and strong than initially thought, as humanity first set its foot into political scene of milky way races they have been an tough opponent to face both in war and in negotiation, indeed many alien races think humanity to be inherently mad. Maybe they are right. Robots: The one thing humanity and Drakkar have in common is the creation of near perfect AI installed in immortal shell of battle bot. These creations physically surpass most of their creators (somewhat based on the type of frame they are installed in) The massive burst of rubylight radiation released during the war erased the programming that made these beings into servants of others, now they either operate independently or bend knee to cortex lords... The godfathers of their family. Drakkar: Beast races, or so thay have been dubbed by narrow minded humans. They are ruled by the reptilian Drakkar who were the first to make it all happen and start uniting all under their command who fit the requirement. The largest, thou not only factions within the Drakkar are Lizard people, Feline people and Canine people.