Of factions. Many eyes have turned towards Hakara both before and after the calamity that unmade paradise... [UHO]: UNIFIED HUMANE ORDER. Superpower of earthspace, ruled by whoever has the most money and influence at the time. Humanity relies upon its superior armada and strategic positioning to keep them out of harms way. When things need to be done however they turn to companies like [Blackwood]. [BC]:BLACKWOOD COMPANY. Absolutely hated around Hakara for bringing about the apocalyptic destruction of the planet, however UHO still employs their remnants to hunt down any surviving rubylight depositĀ“s before Drakkar scouts can inform their masters of evergoing conflict in Hakara, The blackwoods still have some of the heaviest guns and mechs around. That warrants some respect in a world gone wild. [CORTEX]: Cortex lords are an mafia alliance, no two ways around that fact. Suddenly enlightened battle and maintanance bots rapidly formed alliances the very moment their masters eyes faltered and closed during the years of strife. The cities they have independently built are the only real form of infrastructure and enlightened civilization yet to be seen on Hakara. [REX]: Small remnants of the Drakkar subjugation fleet sent to Hakara. Led by Enigmatic commander Raka, their mission remains to scour the planet for usable resources to patch up the failure of total domination, as always their main goal is the locating and securing of rubylight. [WILDS]: While some cling to the past, the wilds of Hakara embrace the new free and lawless nature of the planet. They are growing fast and soon will be challenging other factions for power and space. Some most succesful gunsmiths and mecha experts have joined up with unrestricting wilds.