Tristan gave a big yawn of boredom as he lounged on air. His perfect balance keeping him aloft in a sitting position while he watched his fellow vampires roam through the small town. Blocking entrances and exits, capturing humans, and even gunning for the Covenant outpost. "So he's finally making a move..." He murmured while his jacket fluttered in the mild breeze. Those crimson eyes were half-lidded as he watched, no real skill presenting itself down there. Guns, technology, vehicles, enough metal to make him scowl. "What ever happened to being up close and personal. Watching the light fade from your enemies eyes, the fleeting emotions of the soon to be dead." He exclaimed, clearly not happy with how things were progressing. He had little honor but he still preferred melee combat to taking pot shots hundreds of feet away. There was no sport in it! It was like humans sniping lions and acting like it was a big triumph when they bagged the completely unawares animal. Because that's what humans were, animals with slightly higher brain functions. Rolling his shoulders and crackling his neck, the ancient vampire seemingly vanished in a puff of smoke. A few puffs later and he was on the street slightly crouched as if landing from a high jump. Soldiers on one side of him, on the other side was what appeared to be a normal man with the whiff of lycan about him. Rising up he only looked at the man from the corner of his eye while the leather creaked from the movement. "I'd advise you to continue on your way, boy." He said. His voice is like the sound at the bottom of a well. Deep, rough, and lost. A single flick of his wrist and a long dull colored blade was in his hand, what was classed as a short sword. But to the giant towering over everyone, it was a dagger. "Let the culling of humanity continue." He continued as he turned to the pirate booted lycan. The dull look vanished briefly from those crimson orbs. Revealing the desire for bloodshed, the primal urge of one from ages past to cause death. This was not a being made for the peaceful world and the weight of ages surrounded him. It seemed this was the only warning, something Tristan rarely did. But lycans deserved at least a warning, puppies need not be abused. Merely...disciplined.