[centre][b][h3][color=#f11712][url=http://i.imgur.com/4tdbRu6.jpg]Bruce Wayne[/url][/color][/h3][/b][/centre] Bruce largely ignored the outburst, it was nothing he hadn't already heard before from people who thought they could do better. Typically they either picketed outside or complained on the internet. Just another opinionated college student who only heard what they wanted to hear. "Well then, I suppose if the Red Hood seeks you out to make you answer for your actions with your life, you'll accept responsibility as the drug dealer you are, won't you? After all, you had your chance, no point in slapping a metaphorical bandaid on you and sending you to jail, you'll re-offend sooner or later. I know for a fact he has a special hatred for people who hurt women, especially with drugs. No more half measures, correct?" Watching Araxie eye his letter opener, he intentionally turned his back to the girl. "As for your debt, I suggest you do what the rest of the majority of the world does and get a job. Amazon pays speedsters well as part of their same-hour delivery service. But if you want to choose the lazy route that carries the highest body count and pretend that you're the victim while standing over the corpses, then keep dealing. Don't be surprised when you end up dead in Arkham though." Bruce let the comment set in before adding another jab, "As for 'murderer', from where I stand potentially killing children's parents as part of your own bigoted prank doesn't make [i]you[/i] the wronged party. And you're as culpable in the deaths of your customers as an arms dealer supplying a warlord. You're destroying families for a quick buck because you're too lazy to actually work." Bruce then walked towards the door, leaving the girl in office and making his way to the gym, "As for what you want to learn, I can make a reasonable guess at what a speedster drug dealer with dead & dying relatives and an inability to take responsibility for her own actions would want to learn. I will be making sure that Mr. Allen talks to you in the immediate future." With that, Bruce Wayne had left the room. Outside the main faculty building, Bruce Wayne met Barbara Gordon as she also made her way to the gym. "Everything alright, Bruce?" The retired heroe's face was expressionless, "Speedster troubles. Make sure Barry talks to her." Barbara nodded. She'd been updated on the situation involving the protesters. "And get me information on her parents." [@Burning Kitty] [hr] The gym was buzzing, literally in some ways, with the sounds of the gathered student body. All told, nearly two hundred students were attending the school. Many were hovering or flying around above the heads of others, while the more earth-bound students were sat in the chairs that had been set out. The speakers crackled as the microphone was turned on and Barbara Gordon made her way onto a hard-light construct that was generated to provide a stage with which to stand upon. Almost immediately, the returning students took their seats, descending from above, teleporting in, or just finding their way with old friends. Soon the gym was quiet save for a few mutters and laughs. "Good morning, students." "Good mooorning Ms. Gordon." came a response from somewhere within the crowd followed by a few stiffled giggles. "Thank you, Mr. Marston." Replied the former Batwoman, not paying the joke much mind. "I'm certain you're all eager to get unpacked and settled in, so we will be keeping this brief. Dorm room allocations will be posted on the bulletin boards withing the dormitories. The boys dorms will have male listings, the girls dorms the female listings. There will be no co-ed habitation." That got a few snickers, "For those of you who shapeshift and can change your biological sex, you will be assigned the dorms that best align with the gender you listed on your enrollment forms. Any special considerations regarding certain students have already been taken into consideration, but if you have questions, students are to direct them to my office." The next five minutes included information on where to go to enroll in elective classes, times for breakfast, lunch and dinner, curfew times as well as where to find dorm RA's. "Now then," Ms. Gordon concluded, "Before you're dismissed, a final word from the Dean." A hush fell across the returning students, even those who had been laughing and joking earlier. Bruce Wayne made his way to the stage, still an imposing figure for his age. Everything about him demanded seriousness. He stood, as he tended to these days, with his hands held behind his back. "You all know me." His voice boomed through the gym. This was a man accustomed to public speaking, "By name, by reputation. You all have your own thoughts and opinions about me. Let me make one thing perfectly clear; I don't care. I have done this long enough that I am thoroughly unconcerned with what you think of me as a person, as a Dean and as a hero." He surveyed the gathered students, "I don't care if you think I'm a hero, a villain, an idol or a fool. What I do care about is that while you attend this school, you obey the rules and outlines set out for you. He let the silence hang in the air for a moment. He loved doing that, Barbara thought. "No doubt you are aware of the protesters outside the school. You are to leave them alone. They are looking for a reaction, do not give them one, they don't need more reasons to dislike you. Students found provoking protesters will be suspended or expelled depending on severity." The older, returning students shuffled uncomfortably. They knew it wasn't a bluff. "Likewise, violence against your fellow students in not acceptable, neither is destruction of property. If I find that you have intentionally harmed a student or damaged property, [i]especially[/i] using any sort of abilities, meta-human or magical, you will be suspended or expelled. You are here to learn restraint, control and responsibility, not instigate psionic schoolyard brawls." Bruce paused once more. "I do not expect you to respect me, I do not expect you to respect your teachers. It is their duty to earn that from you. But I do expect you to respect your fellow students and the people around you." With that, Bruce Wayne walked unceremoniously off the stage. An awkward clap came from somewhere within the gathered crowd of students before dying off as quickly as it had started. Barbara Gordon returned to the stage. "Thank you student's. You are dismissed." [@Afro Samurai][@RumikoOhara][@Lionhearted]