Suspended two feet from the ground, legs windmilling, small fists pounding upon the robot's steel forearm, Assallya's many anklets and bracelets were clinking together and making quite the racket. Hacking, desperately trying to cough or somehow get air she flailed futilely, her golden tresses a wild nimbus. Assallya didn't even notice the young man who'd just arrived. All she could do was flail as consciousness began to leave her. With one final bit of effort every muscle in the young elf's body tensed, fingers twisted into claws, toes splayed and then nothing. Finally, her pounding upon his forearm with her small fists stopped, her blue eyes rolled back into their sockets, long eyelashes fluttering, and her head lolled forward with her protruding tongue caught between her black stained lips. She was dead. Her legs went limp, the flailing limbs now swinging slowly beneath her waist like two pendulums of a clock slowly winding down until finally her black painted toenails pointed towards the earth below.