Zachary played his tune and sung in his native Ibion tongue whilst everyone came into the banquet hall. Once everybody was there he should have sat down as he had promised, but the music kept coming the heart and did not allow him to stop. His hands had a mind of their own. Plus his red-headed bird friend was having a great time at the end of his lute. Its wings spreading in an alternating way whilst it did a dance. Such a sight to behold was something Zachary had come to enjoy every time he decided to play a song. The bard continued playing while standing off to the side to entertain his fellow party members. Although he played his heart away, his ears were perked to eavesdrop on the table. It was a trick he had picked up at a younger age, and an invaluable one for gaining information whilst feigning ignorance. The prince seemed uncertain about their mission, but it was a mission northward by sea. Everyone reacted too differently for Zachary to discern anything solid. All the bard knew was that everyone was beginning to feel doubtful until a man of authority walked into the hall. It was at his disturbance and announcement that finally made Zachary halt his music. He knew when a superior man was present and he had to listen even if his bird protested the lack of music. It seems that in his jamboree time flew like an arrow, landing him no time to sit down and enjoy a meal before leaving. This was nothing new to Zachary. In fact, missing proper meals has been a habit ever since he could play an instrument so this wasn’t new to him. When all of the others began to stand and walk away, the bard quickly hopped over to the table and grabbed a few breads to throw into his satchel. [color=Yellow]”I hope the prince does not mind me bringing along some snacks for the road,”[/color] the bard chuckled to himself. With that, his bird companion snatched some crumbs and flew onto the top of his hat. There it sat while bobbing up and down as Zachary rushed to follow the others. He managed to find a spare horse left for him to use next to a girl whom looked to be Ibionese herself. The bard contemplated striking a conversation whilst mounting, even turning to her and opening his mouth to speak. Yet he froze his smug expression and he sighed, settling instead for a smile and wink for the girl before moving away. [@LordVoldemort] He trotted his horse to where the prince would arrive from in hopes of sparking a conversation with the lad. Zachary wanted to get to know the boy he was going to serve from this point forward, an idea he thought ingenious. The bard would sit atop his provided horse in waiting for Prince Eli with a big, stupid smile on his face. Adventure was nigh and he was surely excited!