[center][h2][color=lightgreen]Luci[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Anger was curtailed by the shock of such open treachery and the calm with which her mother recieved the dissent of Hell. Demons weren't loyal by nature, at least the majority of them weren't, but such brazen disregard for the authority of throne was like a dagger thrust into her chest and turned with every vile syllable uttered against the Queen. The irony of a slime being rendered as still as stone was disappointingly lost upon her as catatonia remained till even Lucille left to join the battle. [color=lightgreen]"Those- Those darn ingrates!"[/color] Luci screamed into the emptied throne room, frustration overwhelming her to sear the infernal room amidst the radiance of own luminescence. Stone steamed and sizzled, burning hot to the touch while the slime boiled to a wild black interspersed by bubbles racing from foot to head. Growling rumbled from where a stomach would have been and had her head whipping every which way, only to seethe in disappointment no one was left to devour in her vicinity. [color=lightgreen]"Grr- Oh!"[/color] The rapid boiling turned to a simmer as she found herself transfixed by the portal, the prospects of enemies to consume far out-weighing the ominous words predating it's opening. Swiftly approaching she nearly threw herself through, only to trip and splatter herself on the floor when the parting command of her mother rang clear between her eyes. [color=lightgreen]"Hmm...what would poppa do...Aha!"[/color] Taking a page from her layabout parent, Luci tore out a glob of slime, molding it into a humanoid eye with ease, and placed it on throne were it could watch over Hell just as Lucille wished. [hr] With the lateness of her arrival Luci had missed out on the phantom of the puppy woman, not that anyone had informed her of this, but she was in rather high spirits as she absorbed the glum and dour decor of the prison. It brought about pleasant memories of time spent bonding with family, and the pride of being taught all sorts of new things to be praised by her momma for. [color=deepskyblue]"You were made in a pit like this."[/color] Only to pause with a rigor of horror morphing form the disbelief splashed across her malleable form. Turning a corner had put her at odds with [url=http://i.imgur.com/5VQFKSQ.png?1]a woman of slime[/url] as pure as the water's of Celestia, towering over Luci amidst a glow of healing light that forced the child to squint at the phantasm. [color=lightgreen]"No. No no no no no! You're dead, Momma killed you and I buried you!"[/color] [color=deepskyblue]"Dead? Mother?"[/color] The holy phantasm said, brows arched before settling upon a dignified severity, akin to a nun disciplining a child. [color=deepskyblue]"I see the Black Goat was thorough in desecrating my body. Not an ounce of compassion in you, no respect for living beings. All because of that monster I had hoped to redeem, only to be drowned in her hate..."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Shut up, Selene! I'm me, and and you're dead, and you aren't ever coming back. I won't go back to wallowing in the trash and kissing everyone's booboo just to make you feel better."[/color] The blue woman sighed, a heavy breath carrying with it the weight of many millennia wasted to form the child now before her. [color=deepskyblue]"I'm sorry, but I see she was right in one regard. My pacifism can not be absolute. When I've finished absorbing you I shall use your form to lobotomize her and end the threat of the Black Goat once and for all."[/color] Tendrils of blue crept out towards Luci, her whirling to convey a thousand denials to every word spoken against the world she'd so painstakingly built up. Words that gave way to shrieks of unbridled terror as it seemed to come crumbling down. (Will post for Hidlr soon.)