"Deputy Reynolds, thanks for meeting me here." Carolyn walked up to the uniformed officer, shaking his hand as they exchanged pleasantries. "No need to thank me, I'm just doing my job. You're the one on call," he pointed out. Carolyn laughed. "Yeah, you're right. So anyway, these guys have hit the three-strike mark. I'm not even sure how many times we've warned them to follow proper dumping protocol before that, yet they've ignored us each and every single time." Carolyn motioned for Deputy Reynolds to follow her around to the side of the building. "That grass hasn't been green in I don't know how long, and as you may or may not know, discoloration is a sign of violation, especially since we have the paper trail. If you would be so kind as to draft a quick report for me, I can handle the rest of the paperwork so we can begin the termination process." "No cease and desist letter?" he inquired, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a small notepad. "We're beyond that," Carolyn added. She reached for her binder in her bag when Deputy Reynold's radio went off. He put a finger up and walked away from her to better hear the transmission. A moment later, he returned, his face an indicator that something big had occurred. "Carolyn, you need to get out of here," he said to her, pointing to the back of the building. "But what about—?" "Go!" Carolyn's heart suddenly started to beat quicker. Something this urgent only meant one thing... [I]Damn![/I] She dropped everything and took off for the clearing behind the building. Hopefully she would get home on time, if that was even an option given her distance.