Ah, sorry I've been busy. Work has been a bit intense with the holidays. I should have more free time going forward, though :) [quote=@Styxx Acheron] I don't see the Gothic cheetah in human form anywhere. Nope, not updated. Jk. Sort of. Relax, bro. Isall good [/quote] Ah, I've updated it. [quote=@SIGINT] I'm crafting a character who I think would be a good fit for this group, but while I do that, I wanted to ask somewhere - the Discord link in the FAQ thread doesn't seem to be working...(or maybe it's just me) [s]Is there another server for the RP and/or for the group itself?[/s] EDIT: Figured it out - the link in the announcements thread goes to the channel, so if you haven't joined the discord server itself already, the link takes you nowhere. Good to know~ I'll post a link to the character once the profile is done. I was just excited and expressing interest is all. [/quote] Ah, I dig the character. I don't think anyone has any major objections, so welcome aboard! [quote=@Blueflame] [@HeroicSociopath] I would love to join this but with my computer out of commission im stuck posting on my Xbox one so I don't know how effective I will be at posting, is that ok? [/quote] You'll have to post a character first. You can probably join, although we're starting to push the cap. I'll save you a spot until we've got this all sorted out. [quote=@JaceBeleren] [@HeroicSociopath] Okay so Frixion Prime's basically dead, and I'd like to continue playing Diana (you may remember, she briefly met Giggles, Marco and possibly Colin, not sure about him). Anyways I was wondering if we could figure out a way for her to join your group, if that's okay with you guys. [/quote] Probably, so long as nobody has any objections. If we accept these dudes, we're at 10. I guess someone else will have to make a space pirate group :)