[h3][center][b][i][color=f6989d]Hibiki[/color] & [color=6ecff6]Shizuka[/color][/i][/b][/center][/h3] Unlike the others, Hibiki and Shizuka knew they weren't here to kill the demons and heavens wholesale. Or at least, that's not their [i]main[/i] objective. While no doubt they'll be attacked by both sides, Hibiki figured that whoever summoned the portal to the queen's throne room was more of a threat than those who went inside of it. Prior to entering the two sisters went to get their equipment, and Shizuka granted them a few blessings. Full shields, wings, and of course establishing their telepathic bond. Surprising Hibiki, it was Shizuka who spoke up first. [color=6ecff6]"Let's stick together, okay?"[/color] Of course Hibiki knew what she meant. She wanted to protect Hibiki by using the eyes. And despite their telepathic bond, Hibiki hid feelings of resent. She didn't like how much stronger her sister was getting. Once geared up the two sisters went through the portal alongside the others, including Endian, Wolf, and Bonesword. Testing the comms in this dimension Hibiki called out to the other Machina Soldiers. [color=f6989d]"Stick together everyone. I'm getting strange signals from this place."[/color] And sure enough something strange happened. From the shadows came a creeping monster that charged from behind Hibiki. Fully expecting this she turned around and shot it dead, but what she was somewhat more surprised about was the familiarity. She didn't think much of it at first until three more came out, and than she realized that these were the exact copy of the first demon she's killed. Or rather, a human who had been so corrupted by the demons he turned into a monster. Hibiki saw this happen to him and she remembered faintly how long it gave her nightmares. Nowadays it was just a distant memory. [color=f6989d]"Is that how this place works? Attacks us with ghosts from our pasts?"[/color] Hibiki effortlessly dispatched the other three copies easily, no longer the scared, green soldier she was so long ago. Shizuka had helped Hibiki fend off the dark monsters as well, though for her she didn't recognize them as the same creatures as Hibiki had fought. In fact they didn't have any definite form at all; just blobs of shadows to her. Shizuka didn't think much of it and just thought it was demonic trickery at work, and she cut them down all the same. She noticed Wolf and Bonesword off to the side facing off against their own creatures, however Shizuka couldn't quite see what they were fighting. Regardless she called out to them on the comms. [color=6ecff6]"Don't be distracted. They're just dark creatures out for you blood. Let's not get hold up here and go deeper within."[/color] Hibiki left some land minds to hold the doppelgangers off as she and Shizuka pressed further into the realm. They needed to find the master of this realm and deal with her quickly. Afterwards they could go home. [color=f6989d]"Shizuka."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"Yes."[/color] As the two sisters went further into the depths they noticed a mist clinging to the ceiling. Too many run in with demons had made them wise up to Victoire's antics. While they don't know what exactly had become of her, they weren't going to fall for the same tricks as before. Shizuka's holy barriers would be sufficient to block out the demonic fumes, however only the two sisters were properly equipped. So Shizuka started chanting in order to give the others the same barrier, at least if they stayed close. As the two moved in Hibiki was getting flashes from the past. Memories of her first battles and how scared she was. This was before she had even met Shizuka; before the two because the mecha maids. Hibiki was just another cannon fodder on the battlefield, armed with nothing but a rifle and a knife, expected to fight for the queen's glory. Funny how someone as low born as her managed to become someone like she is now. For someone who glorified a working-class role, she'd never imagine that she'd get as far as she did. But... Hibiki supposed she had Shizuka to thank for that. Soon Hibiki was stopped and quickly removed from her distracted thoughts. Without breaking her chanting Shizuka used hand signals to tell Hibiki to lay low and to look at something ahead. Taking out her rifle she spotted what appeared to be a slime woman menacing a little girl. It was no one that either of the sisters recognized, but Hibiki suspected that this was a trick to lure them into a trap. She barely had time to realize it when Shizuka flew down, Seier in hand, to cut down the monster menacing the little girl. [color=f6989d]"Oh god she just ran in..."[/color] Growing the blade into a longsword it was large enough to cleave the creature in two, however Shizuka had a feeling that it wouldn't be so easy to slay a slime, even with a holy sword. Hibiki just groaned a little and fired two shots from her biotic rifle at the slime creature, letting the nano machine bullets eat away at the slime like some twisted acid. [@Lonewolf685][@Banana][@Awesomoman64][@Lucius Cypher]