[color=aba000][h3][center]~Sorcha~[/center][/h3][/color] As soon as Luna left the dorm and headed to the clearing, the dragon bolted after her. She landed with a force enough to cause a quiet thud, leaving an impression of her feet in the ground as she grinned over at Luna. [color=aba000]"Alright!~"[/color] She excitedly shouted, pointing her Glaive at Luna. [color=aba000]"On the way over here, I had a bit of a thought."[/color] She turned her head to Maoin, who followed as she was supposed to. In her other hand...was the sword Maoin had been training with until now. With a slow motion, she pointed the Glaive at the kitten. [color=aba000]"Maoin, I want to check your progress against another person."[/color] With a flourish, she maneuvered the sword so that the handle was pointing towards the kitten. [color=aba000]"How about you give Luna a little warm up, hm?"[/color] [color=black][h3][center]~Fox~[/center][/h3][/color] [color=black]"Oh? Does master not want to attend their classes today?"[/color] The fox replied. [color=black]"Curious. Perhaps you finally have developed a sense of humor, too?"[/color] Of course, she conveniently left out that today wasn't exactly a day where classes were to be had. No sense in letting Sel know that. Of course, there was a chance that she'd know, but maybe in her groggy state she'd forget. Now that would be funny, heh. [b][h3][center]~Cynthia~[/center][/h3][/b] Cynthia frowned slightly at the mention of Mugi not remember whether she fell asleep or not. Was she that tired from a night of studying? That was no good - she'd need more than simple crash courses, but she was busy enough as it was and the headmistress was unlikely going to just give her the time off. At the mention of the letter though, Cynthia blushed slightly and turned back to her work. It was just a simple thing, really. Nothing more than a small little...love...note. And to tell her that if she needed anything, she'd do her best to provide. So the maid simply returned to work silently. [color=6ecff6][h3][center]~Miren~[/center][/h3][/color] E-eh? Eith didn't know what a shower was? Did she at least know what a [i]bath[/i] was? Oh dear, that would be terrible if she didn't. When...was the last time she bathed, then? Did she even bathe once in her life? Was this also because of that condition of hers she mentioned? The rabbit frowned, but for the most part didn't say anything. Eith said she was fine, so...she was fine. For now at least, the rabbit wouldn't say anything. She only was in the bathroom for a few short minutes before getting dressed in her usual clothing and heading downstairs with a large book in one hand and a cup of strong coffee in another. [color=6ecff6]"Oof, I hope I get more people today..."[/color] Not that she'd particularly mind either way - wasn't like she needed the business. As long as she could budget her funds well enough, she'd have enough.