~*One on One Search*~ Okay, well I haven't done this in, well forever; But I need some new Roleplay Partner, Although I must admit it's harder to find the rarer fandoms here then it is anywhere. But, I digress. So, my search begins! First up of course are a few rules/Guidelines, there’s not many I promise =) 1. Please, if you roleplay with me and lose interest. Do /not/ just disappear on me... This has happened more times than I can count and I really get tired of it, I am a big girl. I can take it... 2. If we're doing a Fandom, and playing Canons ~*Which more than likely will be included*~ /Please/ try to be as in character with whoever you’re playing as you can; I am not asking for perfection...Just do your best and try to think like whoever it is. 3. I do have some restrictions, I like to keep this tasteful...But we'll discuss this in more detail as we decide what we're doing if our rp will work out. 4. I am not picky about literacy, I only ask that you write so I can understand. And Please no Chat-speak...It annoys me to no end Lol, Rofl, etc. I don't mind, but OOC only. 5. If the plot is getting dull, then tell me. I'm very open minded we can mix it up, add/remove ideas. I want to make it enjoyable for us both. 6. As for characters; I can double, triple etc. etc. And prefer to play a person for you and an OC and you do the same. 7. I think that’s about it aside from having fun =D Not really a 'rule' but a small note; I do prefer to rp over skype or something along thoes lines because its just easier for me; personally but I can do it here on site via PMs. I just don't do over the forums myself, im terrible at keeping track of them there. Okay, see? that wasn't all bad xD Now, for Genre's /mostly/ Fandoms. But I do other things; Fantasy, work, things like that... Although I honestly prefer fandoms I am willing to do others, depending on the plots and such. & = Plots ~~ = Who I’d like you to play **= Genre's: Disney & White Collar ~Neal~ *Anyone* 1/2 Prince ~Guii~ *Anyone* Vampire x Anything ^Mortal, Gifted, slayer Etc.^ &&& *Anything* The Great Mouse Detective & ~Basil~ *Anyone* Ghost x Anything & *Anything* NCIS ~Gibbs~ *Abby* labyrinth &&&&&&&& ~Jareth~ *Anyone* Yu-Gi-Oh! & ~Atem~ *Anyone* Ouran High School Host Club &&&& ~Tamaki and/or Kyouya~ *Anyone* Doctor Who && ~10~ *Anyone* The Door Within ~*Anyone*~ Harry Potter ~Barty, Sirius~ *Anyone* YouTube ~Mark~ *Jack, Pewds* Magi ~Sinbad~ *Anyone* Lucifer ~Luci~ *Anyone* Sleepy Hollow Fox Series ~Ichabod~ *Anyone* Demon Detective Neuro Nougami ~Neuro~ *Anyone* Sherlock ~Sherlock~ *Anyone* Celtic Thunder ~Paul~ *Anyone* Naruto ~Kakashi, Lee or Gai~ *Kakashi, Gai, willing to try anyone but have only seen the first 2 ish seasons* Hetalia ~France~ *Anyone* Once Upon a Time ~Rumple or Hook~ *Anyone* Vixx Kpop ~Leo/Taekwon~ *Anyone* Assassin’s Creed; Brotherhood or Syndicate ~Ezio Auditore di Firenze~ *Anyone* Jekyll and Hyde ~Hyde~ *Anyone* &&-ish Kamisams Kiss ~Tomoe~ *Anyone* Van Helsing *Movie not the anime* ~Dracula~ *Anyone* & Persona 5 ~yusuke~ *Anyone* Undertale ~Mettaton~ *Anyone* & Feel free to make suggestions! I will not rp: Wolves animals (except maybe Disney characters) warriors (sorry I haven't read it)