[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/10ZwtN7.jpg[/img][/center] Selvina glared at the fox as she took mental notes in her mind of the date. She wouldn't have come home late the previous night if they had class this day, right? Sly was being Sly again, she supposed. Although ... The mage had a look of realization cross her face. [color=gray]"No no no no no ..."[/color] Selvina put on the best panicked look she could manage as she looked at the fox with pleading eyes. [color=gray]"There's an extra credit test today! And - and the subject is magics involving the master familiar bond and the various ways it can be used! I'm - I'm really sorry but you're going to have to come with me for this one!"[/color] There was actually a class about that, and she already knew the curriculum for it. She had followed the syllabus along two semesters earlier. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/KDNoPCb.jpg[/img][/center] Maoin stepped back instinctually as the glaive was suddenly pointed at her, and then suddenly her sword handle. She blinked a couple of times as she registered what was going on. WHAT? She - she was supposed to fight Lady Luna? A noble of the LIGHTSWORD family?! A look of obvious nervousness crossed Maoin's face. [color=darkslateblue]"... Y-w-wha- ..."[/color] The steely gaze on Lady Sorcha's face indicated that her partially formed confusion wouldn't be responded to with lenience. With a slightly trembling hand she gripped her sword, trying to run through the basics in her mind from the past couple weeks of training. The only thing that entered her thoughts though were her fears however. Luna could use various magical abilities that she wasn't capable of! Wh-what was she going to do when she lost horribly and completely embarrassed herself?! [color=darkslateblue][I]She's so nice ... she took care of me. She ... she'll know how weak I really am and won't talk to me and-[/I][/color] She was used to getting beaten around by Lady Sorcha, but she'd gotten used to that abuse! Oh, and when she lost it would make Lady Sorcha look bad as a teacher, and then the dragoness would be upset and would ignore her in frustration. Like a scardy cat like herself deserved. Or even worse, Lady Lightsword would choose to lose on purpose just to make her feel better. And then someone would see that and then Lady Lightsword's family would lose their entire reputation and would end up on the streets as a result and ... [color=darkslateblue]"Y-yes M-mistress."[/color] The cat turned around and faced her opponent, giving Lady Lightsword a respectful curtsy.