Herod's body shuddered involuntarily as the vehicle bumped and bounced along the ragged roadways that led to the complex, his armored hands fixed to the turret controls. He didn't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that they met no Xenos along the way. Good they had a safe trip and found themselves in a defensive position, but he was never shy from slaying the enemies of the Emperor. Thinning the herd was never unwelcome either. When it was time to step out of Taurox, a murmur rose among the guardsmen from all of the 'colorful' characters that exited. The Apothecary received the most praise, but many shied away from Herold's broad frame as his booted feet stepped onto the dirt. No doubt some of the guardsmen had witnessed Judges in their duties on their native homeworlds. The crackling shockmaul at his side certainly did not help ease their fear. Lt. Nova should have been an odd sight to him, until he realized the majority of his squad was female. It bothered him none. Meat for the grinder. He made his way toward the Heavy Bolter Turret at the front of facility. The heavy thuds of his boots reverberated across the stairway as he made his way up, and set his equipment down beside his chair as he began to man the turret. He flipped open the ready switch and placed his hands on the control, taking off the safety precautions and making sure the turret was loaded. Thumbs now on the trigger, his squared jaw moved as he spoke through the vox. "Ready."