He was the one. Laneya watched a man leave the coffee shop with a conspicuous smile pasted on his lips. It screamed of lies and deceit, but moreso, it was just too early in the morning for someone to be smiling naturally. He had to be up to something, and given her situation, he was likely up to that. But was he alone? She surveyed the rest of the people in the station: a few kids listening to headphones, a tired-looking barrista who glared death at her when their eyes met, a couple laughing about something, and three out-of-placers, winded like she but milling about as if they didn't know why they were there. Just like she was. The smiling man was doing a circuit of the room with his head, pointedly stopping at each of these three and finally at herself. So her instincts were right. She didn't know whether to be relieved that she wasn't alone in this, or more horrified that this "Employer" had that sort of power over many people. Her phone buzzed, and she made sure to contemplate all of the implications of the message before walking over. She wasn't that great a thinker on the spot, so it was important that she know exactly what to say ahead of time. One part of the message hopped out to her, and she spent a bit of extra time forming a question of her own, determining whether it would be wise to ask. She stood, still looking at the phone, and slung her backpack across her chest once more. She adjusted the strap so that it didn't look as odd, and then glanced back up at her target. Two of the milling individuals had already gone to him. She walked over without any particular state of confidence, no bravado, but no fear in her steps. Her face was frozen in the same impassive bored neutrality as always, and she turned her head back and forth, taking in the circumstances again before committing to them. She paused, for her eye had caught something. That couple, they were watching them very closely. And wait, she recognized one of them... that woman, from somewhere. She was beautiful, even from this distance, though in a more robust, playful way than Laneya's pale, delicate features. Where did she recognize her? A modeling contest? That... could be, but she couldn't pinpoint yet who it was. They shared a stare across the floor and glass, and the other woman smiled a bit before half turning her attention back to the man with her, half to Laneya's continued, unaffected stare. And then she remembered where she was, what she was supposed to be doing, and that staring at people like that was considered creepy; she turned away, back to the small cluster of people in the center of the room. [color=00aeef]"I am Laneya. 18. ME in Computer Engineering."[/color] She paused after having given what she was told to, and then continued as she had decided. [color=00aeef]"I am curious about the wording of this text. If the texts tell me to do something that you disagree with, which am I to disobey?"[/color] She held up her phone, one finger pointing at the last line of the text. It was important that she know the chain of command.