Most of the village's experienced ninjas usually got tired of Megumi after exchanging only a few words. Mikio on the other hand enjoyed her company immensely. She was reasonably polite and good enough at reading the room, but most importantly she was on a never ending quest for more knowledge and skill. It was people like her that had made Mikio realize that he wanted to try teaching in the first place. He smiled at her when she pointed out that the lack of missions gave her time to get better and ready for when danger did come. He didn't quite enjoy her deterministic outlook, [i]when[/i] danger arrived, not [i]if[/i], but he also felt that she was right. Another great war was surely brewing somewhere out there, perhaps even in one of the great villages. Somewhere, somehow, someone was angry enough to cause a conflict. If not now, then later. “Actually, I think that would work out very well” he replied to Megumi's suggestion about assisting in his lesson for the day. “I can't keep an eye on all the kids all the time, so I'd welcome a second pair of eyes if nothing else. These are dangerous weapons after all, don't want any accidents. No that you mention it...” He paused and got up from his seat “We'd better get going, the teacher can't be late after all…” He walked a few paces in the direction of the school building, then paused once more. “Have you practiced your basic techniques by the way?… If not I guess I can use you as a bad example.” He continued walking, and laughing at his own joke.