Diana kept the revolver trained on the Sykrott. She watched as he realised his situation, considered, then came to a decision. She saw the muscles in his exposed back tense. He was not planning on anything peaceful. She went to pull the trigger, but the Sykrott was fast. Before she got a chance, his hand was pushing the barrel out of harm's way. His other hand gripped a sword, and not the Ecetopian one either. Details didn't matter, the point was that this thing would cut her skin just like anyone else's. She ducked the swing and punched him in the side with her own free hand. Metal hit metal, and sparks flew, but the Sykrott didn't even flinch. Suddenly there was a hand around Diana's throat. She was lifted into the air, the Sykrott's other hand still holding the sword and preparing to finish her. Then a number of gunshots piercd the air. The Sykrott flinched, and Diana saw her chance. She brought her knees up to her chest and kicked, hard. The Sykrott dropped her and she hit the floor with her shoulder, her armoured skin protecting her from the impact. She took the opportunity created by this moment of surprise to shoot. She unloaded the revolver, six shots hitting the Sykrott, his body jerking with each. He was knocked to the floor, maybe dead, maybe not, but certainly not far off either way. Regardless, Diana had new problems to contend with. She reloaded her gun and set off in the direction of the gunshots, swearing loudly as something exploded. [hr] Soon enough she caught up to a scene between a pigtailed girl, whose smirking face was plastered all over the city, and someone dressed, well, strangely, and not clearly visible from where Diana stood. As she got closer, she saw the second figure had a gun, so she withdrew her own. They appeared to be speaking. The second figure's voice seemed familiar. What they were saying wasn't all that interesting, a lot of sass followed by something political. Obviously, though, there was more to this. Who carries a gun in that kind of conversation? Only someone like that conman she met in No- [i]That explains a lot.[/i] "I knew it. Too good to be some random piece of good, old-fashioned street trash, hmm, Giggles?"