[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8gBNBNv.png[/img][h3][color=00a651][u]The Frog[/u][/color][/h3][@Lonewolf685][@Ryonara][/center] As the Frog continued his descent into his own mind, he was actually surprised to find that there wasn't just one Luci, but TWO near him. Odd, considering he had a very limited interaction with the princess of Hell. It was very possible for it to be the real Luci, especially considering that she was being assaulted by some kind of... other slime? Who the fuck was this? Yeah, he guessed it was truly the real Luci, in flesh... slime, and blood... slime? Enough with the long-winded shit, the Frog should probably be saving her. In a flash, the Frog ran up to the green slimy child and grabbed her as best as he could as he made a fair leap away from the blue slimy attacker. It was weird, touching something that could split apart with the smallest pull. Regardless, he managed to pull Luci just far enough away from the other slime so he could avoid any friendly fire. If he hit Luci, he'd be completely screwed by Lucille, and while he wasn't fond of her presence, he wasn't about to let himself get destroyed by her unbridled rage. He made sure to steer clear of the Machina troop as he kept Luci away from harm, pulling her even farther away from that fight and to the nearby wall. [color=00a651][u]"Are you okay?"[/u][/color]