[hider=Virais] [color=Silver][center][h1][u]Virais[/u][/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://daotyr.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/neyo.jpg[/img][/center] [center][hider=Theme music] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZnhJcye52Q[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [hr] [list] [*] [b][color=silver]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [*] [b][color=silver]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [*] [b][color=silver]Height:[/color][/b] Rough standing height of 3 and a half feet and a rough length of 11 feet [*] [b][color=silver]Weight:[/color][/b] Roughly 120 lbs [*] [b][color=silver]Sex Preference:[/color][/b] Hetero [*] [b][color=silver]Blood:[/color][/b] 100% Dragon [/list] [hr] [b][color=silver][u]Appearance and Apparel:[/u][/color][/b] Virais appears as his picture depicts him and while he does have the capability to shapeshift, he's yet to learn entirely how to do it yet in his early life, leaving him with a complicated Humanoid form. He does however have a small back satchel that he has been known to wear, used mostly for carrying small objects or transporting other oddities while he travels. [b][u][color=silver]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Virais is quiet the ball of life. Having been alive for just under two decades, he's still quiet young in dragon years and that in turn means that he is at that 'high on life' stage in his life. Often running around, exploring all that he can see, and of course making friends anywhere he can! This in turn leaves him with a very open and joyous personality. Though that doesn't mean he's willing to just hug anything that moves as in this world plenty of others want you dead and are more than willing to attack and kill you for the worst reasons. So while he's libel to be your friend, he's also ready to take a healthy chomp out of anybody who means him and his friends harm. [b][u][color=silver]Backstory:[/color][/u][/b] Due to Virais' young age he's not got quiet a bit of stories to tell, but those that he does have tell of how he woke up alone and afraid. Hatching from his egg lost in the wilds of Vrondi he knew nothing about the world around him. Thing were scary at first, learning the most basic of things, but he did! Learning what those weird things on his back could do, flapping them up and down to take flight of all things! Then as the months rolled by he grew at a rather great rate, rising in stature to hunt bigger and more filling game. It was around his 10th year though that something odd started to happen. Despite learning how to harness control over fire and ice, he was starting to come into more magical abilities. It was during another one of his hunts, tracking down his next meal, that he was attacked by a much larger, feral dragon. The larger beast had been defending it's territory when Virais had apparently stumbled into forbidden ground. Facing off against the monster of a dragon he could only run, turning tail and using his small size to dash away, but the feral dragon was relentless. No matter how fast he ran the feral dragon was hot on his heels and when he was pushed into a corner, not wanting to die, something magical happened. Fearing for his life Virais reached deep down to find a spark he never knew he had. Pulling it from his soul the spark became an inferno that raged out, consuming his entire body and changing him, building the arcanic force that lashed out against the attacking dragon. The dark flames that wrapped and burned from his body swirled and whirled around before lunging for the bigger beast. Whipping through the Earth and carving deep cuts all around him before cutting his aggressor, treating his scales like paper and slashing deep. Though due to the wild nature of his outburst the ground took more of the blast than the feral dragon, but it was still enough to convince it that he meant business causing him to leave. However, Virais was left weak and confused as the flames retreated. His entire body feeling drained on a level he couldn't even understand as he faded into a deep sleep. Upon waking up he saw what was left of the corner he was trapped in. The gashes, gouges, and devastation that left what was once a great tree as a smoldering crater. Once again confused and scared he ran from the blast site and fled back into the forest that he knew as home, but now he had more questions than he could ever hold onto. He had to find answers and that meant he had to leave his home territory and find them. This is where he started to find these strange creatures who stood on two legs, standing upright and talking in a weird language. It was again scary at first, lunging into a new world once again, but it wasn't anything he hadn't done before. Now this was his chance to make new friends, learn of a new world, and find out where that surge of power came from. [b][u][color=silver]Exp:[/color][/u][/b] Growing up alone and fighting for your life in the wilds gives you a great concept on survival and fighting against forces much greater than your own. Although without much formal training and the fact that he ran just as much as he fought leave Virais less than ready for the trials of war. Although his little practice with his wild magic has left him with a volatile form of greater combat. Once again, due to his wild adventures he has spent quiet a bit of his life, running through difficult terrains to hunt, chase, and kill prey. This in turn has given him quiet the quick and nimble running and flying capacity. [b][color=silver]Abilities/Powers:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b]Dextrious:[/b] While being a full blooded dragon, he is still young and very agile with his feet. Able to move quickly and dash about to avoid larger creatures and use his strong wings to out fly them as well. [*] [b]Survivor:[/b] Years of living in the wild have taught Virais all about hunting, tracking, and handling the dangerous of the wild world. Letting him make the most of it. However, he also falls a bit short in the more civilized areas of the world. [*] [b]Weaponized Tail:[/b] Virais' tail is spiked and strong, letting him have a long, whip-like tail to use as a weapon for fast, painful, and often lethal attacks. [list][*] [u][b]Blood Traits:[/b][/u] [*] [b](Wild) Shapeshifting[/b] - Virais isn't as keen on the intricacies of shapeshifting, leaving him with the flaw of shapeshifting into the first person he sees. [*] [b]Heat & Cold Manipulation & Conjuration[/b] [*] [b]Fire & Frost Manipulation[/b] [*] [b]Dense Metal Claws[/b] [*] [b]Regeneration[/b] [*] [b]Stone Hard Scales[/b] [*] [b]Fire & Frost Breath[/b] [*] [b]Metal Dense Teeth[/b] [*] [b]Metal Dense Horns[/b] [*] [b]Heat & Cold Resistant Scales[/b] [*] [b]Binocular Vision[/b] [*] [b]Smell Detection[/b] [*] [b]Dragon Wings & Tail[/b][/list] [/list] [b][color=silver]Spells[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b]Shadow Fire:[/b] Virais has the untapped power of raw, destructive Shadow Fire. Working much like an anti-element, this magic burns, saps, and destroys all it touches. Extremely versatile and incredibly deadly this magic could be used for massive, wide-spread destruction or very precise and lethal annihilation. If he could control and understand it. Shadow Fire is a bit of an oddity as it isn't like normal fire. It consumes matter, ruining, destroying, and corrupting it to leave organic matter drained and sapped on a lethal spiritiual and physical level. For inorganic material it degrades and crumbles it in a localized area, letting hte more concentrated gouts of the Shadow Fire carve through metal, stone, and mortar like paper. Though while most, if not all physical matter, is susceptible to the Shadow Fire, spiritual barriers and resistances mitigate it, stopping it's effects at the cost of an extreme drain on the barrier in question. Also while it is called Shadow FIRE, it isn't actually fire in the sense that it burns and spreads as this kind of 'fire' just destroys then fades away, leaving it unaffected by water and fire suppressants. [/list] [b][color=silver]Trivia:[/color][/b] - Virais doesn't actually currently know the Common Language. While he's been picking it up incredibly quickly he's still a bit behind the curve thanks to his time in the wilds. [/hider] [hider=Fenix "Blyze" Lyranis] [color=red][center][h1][u]Fenix "Blyze" Lyranis[/u][/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/30/05/2f/30052fa0ef5b09efbb8b9ea4a75facc3.jpg[/img][/center] [center][hider=Theme music] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EptSSXNHIfg[/youtube] [/hider][/center] [hr] [list] [*] [b][color=red]Age:[/color][/b] 23 [*] [b][color=red]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [*] [b][color=red]Height:[/color][/b] 6' 2'' [*] [b][color=red]Weight:[/color][/b] Roughly 195 lbs [*] [b][color=red]Sex Preference:[/color][/b] Hetero [*] [b][color=red]Blood:[/color][/b] 100% Tyro [/list] [hr] [b][color=red][u]Appearance and Apparel:[/u][/color][/b] Fenix is far from a normal man and takes on many of the oddities of fire and scales that consume the world. Having the ends of all of his limbs encased in red dragon scales to show his connection to fire and the dragons that breath it. Having talons and claws at the end of his fingers and toes that he augments with his fire magic. The scales climb across his forearms and up his legs to his waist, ending at his midriff, but he also has some red spikes rising out of his back to almost replicate wings, but lacking the flexibility, length, or membranes to facilitate flying. Beyond that he does actually have horns coming from the crown of his head, but they are rather small and sharply curl upwards to cling along the top of his head, working through his ash and grey hair. Beyond his scaled body, all across his human-like chest are small slashes that encompass all of his Human flesh linking his scaled parts and glowing gently with the colors of fire. The more fired up he gets the more brightly they glow as his energy uses these body based ley-lines to funnel his magic through him. For his clothes he is often seen wearing minimal, usually it's just pants. Sometimes he's willing to wear an accessory like a scarf, but more often than not he just sticks to his pants. The first reason why is due to the difficulty to wear clothes with all of his draconic appendages. The second being a personal preference to reduce drag as when wind catches the fabrics it slows him down, or at least that's what he claims. [b][u][color=red]Personality:[/color][/u][/b] Energetic, wild, and always ready to go are the easiest ways to explain Fenix. In fact one could say that he embodies fire and it's actions. Though while perhaps wild and energetic aren't the best attributes to have as a person he does also have undying loyalty to those close to him and especially those he calls friends. Though with the wild side of him dominant he is rare to sit still through calm events. Not unable to as he is more than capable to keep a calm face through tense events. Another quirk about him that he shares with fire is it's temper. Should something happen that gets him fired up he'll show an increase vigor and a stark decrease in care for his own safety which often leads to him over committing to fights without regard for his health. [b][u][color=red]Backstory:[/color][/u][/b] Fenix was raised to a life of rather wild circumstance. Born in the Kingdom of Fotia to a single mother who bore the rather normal child for the first phase of his life. When the word normal is put out though it's generally in reference to how when he was born he had scales in place of skin on his hands and feet as well as the beginning of horns popping out of his head. By the sounds of it he was a descendant and when he was older and learned of such things he wanted to ask his mother, yet before he had the chance she was taken from him in a raid against his small home town. The attackers who fell under a black banner left little standing as they ravaged the land. Just as his and his mother's time came up the fear and anger inside him swelled to new heights and when his mother put herself in front of him to shield her child from harm, dying in the process to a spell to the chest, carving her to the grave instantly... He lost himself and in that moment he changed. Not only mentally as he vowed he'd never let another person he cared for and loved fall, but also physically as his flames surrounded his body enveloping himself and sparking the creating of the tattooed ley-lines that he carries on his body to this day, erupting in flames to lash out at his attackers though the most effective weapon was his claws that grew in size and power to rip his foes apart. At the end of his inhuman rampage he was alone, all alone and surrounded by smoldering ash and ruins. Still just a child of 8 years he needed to find others or he'd be consigned to the void. Not to mention that he had a vow to keep. As he made new friends, allies, and masters he found that his vow had more meaning so he had to get stronger, faster, and gain control of his power. Through the years he'd do so taking more impact from speed over raw power. It was also in that same moment that he found a passion. Speed was not only a augment to his combat capability, but also an avenue to explore the wonders of rushing wind, sailing through the open air on gliding arms. It was a rush that filled the soul and made you feel truly free! Though despite his past experiences and new found passion he had to find a calling and that was done in the form of racing. The Fotian people had a calling for speed as well it seemed and when the time came for The Trekker Races he found that calling. The rush of passing through dangerous places as fast as you can, dodging and weaving through enough chaos and danger that many men don't see the finish line. What more could a man ask for? Starting it was simple, taking on the lower tiers against slaves. The races were nothing for Fenix and after years of aspiring for greatness he finally had his chance 6 years later at the 10th Trekker Championship Race. A race so brutal, so dangerous, and so impossible that of the 300 participants only a handful make it to the finish line and of those only one can take the title of Grand Champion. This was his big chance and he seized it, risking life, limb, and sanity in what could only be described as a trek through Hell. he witnessed so many people fall out, fade away, or fall victim to the elements or hazards of the track. Yet come the finish line and after he lost sight of all other participants he crossed the finish line, tired, hurt, and ready to collapse. However, before he was allowed to collapse he was ushered to the champion's stand by a cheering crowd proclaiming his racer name, Blyze. He was the first living soul to cross the line and that meant at long last he had his dream. The title of Grand Champion and to know that you were the greatest racer in the world. To this date it has to be one of the greatest moments of his life. Though with the title in his pocket and time now in his hands he had to find an answer to an age old question that has been on his mind since his birth. Why was he who he was. His mother was a full blooded Tyro and he never knew his father, so why did he have scales and not to mention the glowing slashes along his body that helped him expunge all of his fire in the form of raw speed. It wasn't normal and that warranted a search for his history and lineage. That in turn led him to seek out the hard road to the truth and in turn be ready for the quickly approaching 11th Trekker Championship Race to defend his title. [b][u][color=red]Exp:[/color][/u][/b] While in his early years he studied under several magisters of the school of fire to learn how to reign in his destructive magics as well as broaden them, opening up new ways of controlling and using his fire. After the magisters though he commit to self training, honing in his special skills and talents against all of the threats he's faced over his decades of fighting and defending those he cares for. [b][color=silver]Abilities/Powers:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b]Dexterous:[/b] Given his nimble antics and love for speed he is doubled with an agile style that let's him dip, duck, and dive around with a majestic grace. [*] [b]Tooth and Claw:[/b] Fenix doesn't use weapons but what he does use are much more natural. His sharp and strong claws as well as his strong and sharp teeth. This has also been the focus of much of his physical training, slashing, grabbing, and battling with his natural weapons. [list][*] [u][b]Blood Traits:[/b][/u] [*] [b]Heat Absorption[/b] [*] [b]Thermal Energy Manipulation & Conjuration[/b] [*] [b]Fire Manipulation[/b] [*] [b]Adrenaline Boost[/b] [*] [b]Heat Detection[/b] [*] [b]Fire Breath[/b] [*] [b]Heat Resistance[/b] [*] [b]Hot Blood[/b] [*] [b]Cold Blooded[/b] [*] [b]Overheat[/b] [/list] [/list] [b][color=red]Spells[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b]Fire Dragon ____:[/b] Fenix's chief spell that can take on many different forms by casting out sculpted fire to stirke at his foes in several different ways from Strike that launches a close range burst of inferno-grade fire that lashes, licks, and scorches all those caught in the brutal punch. Or the Blast that summons forth a great surge of explosive fire power that is cast out to detonate upon impact. To the Surge that breaths forth a great and powerful breath of fire to consume his foes. [*] [b]Fire Augmentation:[/b] A minor magic that goes to great effects. Using this level of fire magic he can use his control over fire to better himself with burning claws, increased speed brought about by bursts of fire from his body particularly using his body based ley-lines, or using his fire to make burning wings with which he can use to glide through the air usually after taking a great burst of speed to launch himself forward into the air. [*] [b][hider=Burning Overload:][img]http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss309/ByTheGodsofAruza/Animals/FireGolbinConcept1.jpg[/img][/hider][/b] Fenix holds within him outstanding potential for magical devastation. Using these reserves he can shunt his entire expanse of magic and his soul into a short burst of outstanding power. Physically transforming his body through his ley-lines to make him more durable, faster than he could ever be normally, and enveloped in powerful flames that are greater than anything he could summon normally. The cost of this power is that he consumes his stores of energy magical and soul based at a rate so fast he can't hold it long before falling into a state so weak he can barely move, much less remain conscious. [/list] [b][color=red]Trivia:[/color][/b] - Fenix has issues sitting still, his constant want to go and do things, train harder, and fight those he considers to be great friends to see how well they fight and if they best him... grow stronger so that one day he can beat them. - Fenix is a very deep sleeper given how much energy he spends on a day to day basis. After all being a hyper ball of fun and chaos is taxing and requires a lot of rest to build back those reserves. [/hider]